Zoran Stanić
Full Professor
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Belgrade
Studentski trg 16
11 000 Belgrade
E-mail: zstanic AT math DOT rs
Profiles/IDs: ResearchGate
ORCID Scopus Web of Science
MathSciNet ScholarGPS Google
Ph.D. 2007, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. Thesis: Some Reconstructions in Spectral
Graph Theory and Graphs with Integral Q-spectrum.
(In Serbian. Original title: Neke rekonstrukcije u spektralnoj teoriji grafova i grafovi sa integralnim Q-spektrom.)
M.Sc. 2004, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. Thesis: Geodesic Nets. (In
Serbian. Original title: Geodezijske mreže.)
Skip to conferences or publications. Click here for the list of co-authors of joint publications.
Research Interests
Graph theory
Numerical mathematics
Combinatorial optimization
Control theory
Coding theory
Current Teaching Activities
Combinatorial Optimization (spring semester)
Discrete Structures 2 (spring semester)
3 courses for Ph.D. students concerning Graph
theory and applications
Other Professional Activities
Mathematical Reviews,
zbMATH (formerly Zentralblatt MATH)
American Journal of Combinatorics,
Discrete Mathematics Letters,
Matematički vesnik
Guest Editor:
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory (2019-2020),
Special Matrices (2021-2022)
Research Projects
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Project no. 7749676: Spectrally Constrained Signed Graphs with Applications in Coding Theory and Control Theory – SCSG-ctct (January 2022–January 2025).
Research Sector, Kuwait University, Project no. SM05/20: Laplacian Controllability of Signed Chain and Threshold Graphs (September 2021–August 2022).
Research Sector, Kuwait University, Project no. SM03/16:
Locating Eigenvalues of Graphs with
Applications (July 2016–June 2017).
Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and
Technological Development, Project no. 174012: Geometry, Education and
Visualization with Applications (2011-2019).
Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and
Technological Development,
Project no. 174033: Graph Theory and Mathematical Programming with
Applications to Chemistry and Computer Sciences (2011-2019).
Serbian Ministry of Education and Science,
Project no. 144032D: Geometry, Education and Visualization with
Applications (2006–2011).
DAAD Foundation: Multimedia Technology for
Mathematics and Computer Science Education (2003–2007).
Serbian Ministry of Education and Science,
Project no. 1646: Geometry, Education and Visualization with
Applications (2002–2005).
Graduate Ph.D. Students
Irena Jovanović, Ph.D. 2015, Faculty of
Mathematics, University of Belgrade. Thesis: Spectral Recognition of
Graphs and Networks.
Tamara Koledin, Ph.D. 2013, Faculty of
Mathematics, University of Belgrade. Thesis: Some Classes of Spectrally
Constrained Graphs.
Conferences Organized
Workshop on Graph Spectra, Combinatorics and Optimization, on the occasion of 65th birthday of Prof. Domingos M. Cardoso, January
25–27, 2018, Aveiro (Portugal); in scientific committee.
Conference on Spectra of Graphs and Applications 2016, May
18–20, 2016, Belgrade (Serbia); in scientific committee.
Workshop Geometry and Visualization (an annual
meeting of the project
Multimedia Technology for Mathematics and Computer Science Education),
September 20–22, 2007, Belgrade (Serbia); in organizing committee.
Workshop Multimedia Technology for Mathematics
and Computer Science
Education, November 21–24, 2006, Belgrade (Serbia); in organizing committee.
Workshop Multimedia Technology for Mathematics
and Computer Science
Education, November 10–12, 2005, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro); in organizing committee.
Conference Contemporary Geometry and Related
Topics, June 26–July 02, 2005,
Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro); in organizing committee.
Workshop Multimedia Technology for Mathematics
and Computer Science
Education, September 22–25, 2004, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro); in organizing committee.
Workshop Contemporary Geometry and Related
Topics, May 15–21, 2002,
Belgrade (Yugoslavia); in organizing committee.
Conferences Attended
The 1st Chinese-SouthEastEuropean Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Applications, June 9-14, 2024, Belgrade (Serbia). Lecture: Connected graphs of fixed order and size with minimal spectral radius (joint work with K. Kostić, Z. Dražić and A. Savić; presented by Z. Dražić).
The 1st Chinese-SouthEastEuropean Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Applications, June 9-14, 2024, Belgrade (Serbia). Lecture: On strongly regular signed graphs (joint work with M. Anđelić and T. Koledin; presented by T. Koledin).
The Thirteenth Symposium ''Mathematics and Applications'', December 1-2, 2023, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia). Lecture: GraphEbra - an interactive, user-friendly, web application for work on graphs (joint work with K. Kostić and T. Koledin; presented by K. Kostić).
International Conference on Number Theory and Graph Theory (ICNG 2023), January 18-20, 2023, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal (India). Invited lecture: Signed graphs whose all eigenvalues are main (joint work with M. Anđelić and T. Koledin; presented by M. Anđelić).
International Conference on Graphs, Networks and Combinatorics — ICGNC 2023, January 10-12, 2023, Ramanujan College, New Delhi (India). Invited lecture: Classes of strongly regular signed graphs and their relations with association schemes (joint work with M. Anđelić and T. Koledin; presented by T. Koledin).
GTCA 2022 — AUA-UAEU Workshop on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Applications, November 13-15, 2022, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates University (UAE). Lecture: An extended eigenvalue-free interval for the eccentricity matrix of threshold graphs (joint work with M. Anđelić, C.M. da Fonseca and T. Koledin; presented by M. Anđelić).
IX International Conference IcETRAN and LXVI ETRAN Conference, June 6-9, 2022, Novi Pazar (Serbia). Lecture: Controllability of the multi-agent system modeled by the chain graphs with repeated degree (joint work with M. Anđelić and E. Dolićanin; presented by M. Anđelić).
8th European Congress of Mathematics, June 20-26, 2021, Portorož (Slovenia). Invited lecture: Classes of strongly regular signed graphs (joint work with T. Koledin and I. Jovović; presented by T. Koledin).
8th European Congress of Mathematics, June 20-26, 2021, Portorož (Slovenia). Invited lecture: Strongly regular signed graphs and association schemes (joint work with T. Koledin and I. Jovović; presented by I. Jovović).
Research Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory, May 29, 2021, Shandong (China). Invited lecture: Expressing the skew spectrum of an oriented graph in terms of the spectrum of an associated signed graph.
Spectral Graph Theory Online, April 28–29, 2021, Rio de Janeiro/Porto Alegre (Brasil). Invited lecture: Strongly regular signed graphs.
International Web Conference on Signed Graphs and Allied Areas, December 7–9, 2020, Kasaragod (India). Invited lecture: Signed graphs with a small number of eigenvalues.
9th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, June 23–29, 2019,
Bled (Slovenia). Invited lecture: Notes on spectra of signed graphs.
Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering and Medicine, 6th Symposium, November 4-6, 2018, Kuwait City (Kuwait). Poster and flash talk: Hamiltonicity in complex networks (joint work with M. Anđelić and C.M. da Fonseca; presented by M. Anđelić).
14th Serbian Mathematical Congres, May
16–19, 2018, Kragujevac (Serbia). Lecture: Structural examinations of graphs with smallest
least eigenvalue (joint work with I. Jovović and T. Koledin; presented by I. Jovović).
Conference on Spectra of Graphs and Applications 2016, May
18–20, 2016, Belgrade (Serbia). Lecture: Regular graphs with a small number of distinct eigenvalues (joint work with T. Koledin; presented by T. Koledin).
Spring School Geometry and Visualization, April
19–25, 2008, Belgrade (Serbia). Invited lecture: Some
reconstructions in spectral graph theory.
Gene Around The World Conference, February 29–March 1, 2008, Tripolis, Arcadia
(Greece). Invited lecture: On Q-integral graphs.
Workshop Geometry and Visualization (an annual
meeting of the project Multimedia
Technology for Mathematics and Computer Science Education), September
20–22, 2007, Belgrade (Serbia). Invited lecture: Graphs spectra in
computer science.
6th Slovenian International Conference on Graph
Theory, June 24–30, 2007,
Bled (Slovenia). Invited lecture: Q-integral graphs with edge-degree
at most five.
Workshop Multimedia Technology for Mathematics
and Computer Science Education,
September 21–24, 2006, Belgrade (Serbia). Invited lecture: The
structure of a graph and its eigenvalues.
Spring School Geometry and Visualization, April
10–13, 2006, Berlin (Germany).
Workshop Multimedia Technology for Mathematics
and Computer Science Education,
November 10–12, 2005, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro). Lecture: Graphs and their star complements.
Conference Contemporary Geometry and Related
Topics, June 26–July 02, 2005,
Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro). Invited lecture: On reconstruction
of the graph
Workshop Multimedia Technology for Mathematics
and Computer Science Education,
September 22–25, 2004, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro). Lecture: A
new class of discrete surfaces.
3rd Summer School in Modern Mathematical Physics,
August 20–30, 2004,
Zlatibor (Serbia and Montenegro). Lecture: Graphs and discrete surfaces.
International Conference Mathematics in 2004 at
Kragujevac, June 17–19, 2004,
Kragujevac (Serbia and Montenegro). Lecture: Geodesic nets.
14th Yugoslav Geometrical Seminar, October 3–5,
2003, Zrenjanin (Yugoslavia).
Lecture: G-polyhedra and geodesic surface discretization.
13th Yugoslav Geometrical Seminar, October 10-12, 2002, Kragujevac
(Yugoslavia). Lecture: Discrete geodesics.
Workshop Contemporary Geometry and Related
Topics, May 15–21, 2002, Belgrade
(Yugoslavia). Lecture: Discretization of smooth surfaces.
Workshop Vive Math (Visualization and
Verbalization of Mathematics and Interdisciplinary
Aspects), December 14–15, 2001, Niš (Yugoslavia). Lecture: On
program package AutoCAD in descriptive geometry.
Z. Stanić, Reconstruction Problems in Graph Theory,
Mathematical Institute of SANU, Belgrade, 2018. (In Serbian. Original title: Problemi rekonstrukcije u teoriji grafova.)
Z. Stanić, Regular Graphs: A Spectral Approach,
De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017.
Z. Stanić, Inequalities for Graph Eigenvalues,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015. Errata.
Edited Books
F. Belardo, D. Cvetković, T. Davidović, Z. Stanić (Eds.), Matematička dostignuća Slobodana Simića - Mathematical Achievements of Slobodan Simić,
Academic Mind, Belgrade, 2019. (Bilingual: Serbian and English.)
Z. Stanić, Discrete structures 2 - Basics of Combinatorics, Number Theory and Graph Theory,
Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, 2018 (first edition), 2020 (second edition). (In Serbian. Original title: Diskretne strukture 2 - Osnovi kombinatorike, teorije brojeva i teorije grafova.)
S. Vukmirović, Z. Stanić, Collection of Problems in
Projective Geometry with Applications in Computer Graphics,
Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, 2003. (In Serbian. Original title: Zbirka zadataka iz projektivne geometrije sa primenama u računarskoj grafici.)
Journal Papers
Submitted or accepted but not yet published papers are not listed here. Some of them can be found on RG page. The asterisk indicates that on the publication date the journal was not indexed in the SCI list.
133. Z. Stanić, Spectral deviations of graphs,
Spec. Matrices, 13 (2025), 20240030.
132. M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Cubic and quartic net-regular strongly regular signed graphs,
Discrete Appl. Math., 366 (2025), 216-225.
131. Z. Stanić, The characteristic polynomial of the Laplacian matrix of a rooted balanced k-ary tree ,
Algebra Colloq., 32 (2025), 53-58.
130. J. Ye, M. Liu, Z. Stanić, Two classes of graphs determined by the signless Laplacian spectrum,
Linear Algebra Appl., 708 (2025), 159-172.
129. M. Anđelić, Z. Stanić, Laplacian eigenvalues of weighted threshold graphs,
Comput. Appl. Math., 44 (2025), 38.
*128. Z. Stanić, A note on the minimum rank of graphs with given dominating induced subgraphs,
Amer. J. Combin., 3 (2024), 44-53.
127. Z. Stanić, Regular graphs with a cycle as a star complement,
Discrete Math. Lett., 14 (2024), 70-76.
126. Z. Stanić, Spectra of signed graphs and related oriented graphs,
Ars Math. Contemp., 24 (2024), P3.10.
125. B. Alshamari, M. Anđelić, E. Dolićanin, Z. Stanić, Controllable multi-agent systems modeled by graphs with exactly one repeated degree,
AIMS Math., 9 (2024), 25689-25704.
124. S. Pirzada, T. Shamsher, Z. Stanić, Net Laplacian eigenvalues of certain corona-like products of signed graphs,
Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex., 30 (2024), 80.
123. J. Wang, X. Lei, S. Li, Z. Stanić, The complete classification of graphs whose second largest eigenvalue of the eccentricity matrix is less than 1,
Acta Math. Sin.-English Ser., 40 (2024), 1741-1766.
122. J. Radosavljević, Z. Stanić, M. Živković, Primitive diameter 2-critical graphs,
Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd), 115(129) (2024), 21-32.
121. X. Gao, Z. Stanić, J. Wang, Graphs with large multiplicity of -2 in the spectrum of the eccentricity matrix,
Discrete Math., 347 (2024), 114038.
120. B. Alshamary, Z. Stanić, Computing the determinant of a signed graph,
Open Math., 22 (2024), 20230188.
119. M. Anđelić, P. Rowlinson, Z. Stanić, Strong star complements in graphs,
Linear Algebra Appl., 688 (2024), 179-194.
118. K. Kostić, Z. Dražić, A. Savić, Z. Stanić, Variable neighbourhood search for connected graphs of fixed order and size with minimal spectral radius,
Kuwait J. Science, 51 (2024), 100142.
117. M. Liu, X. Gu, H. Shan, Z. Stanić, Spectral characterization of the complete graph removing a cycle,
J. Combin. Theory A, 205 (2024), 105868.
116. J. Wang, W. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z. Stanić, On the order of antipodal covers,
J. Graph Theory, 105 (2024), 285-296.
115. Z. Stanić, Linear ternary codes of strongly regular signed graphs,
Discrete Math., 347 (2024), 113714.
114. M. Liu, C. Chen, Z. Stanić, Connected
(K4-e)-free graphs whose second largest eigenvalue does not exceed 1,
European J. Combin., 115 (2024), 103775.
113. L. Parsaei-Majd, Z. Stanić, B. Tayfeh-Rezaie, On weight-symmetric 3-coloured digraphs,
Linear Multilinear Algebra, 71 (2023), 2744-2762.
*112. Z. Stanić, Rank of signed cacti,
Amer. J. Combin., 2 (2023), 72-78.
111. M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Signed graphs whose all Laplacian eigenvalues are main,
Linear Multilinear Algebra, 71 (2023), 2409-2425.
110. Z. Stanić, Walks and eigenvalues of signed graphs,
Spec. Matrices, 11 (2023), 20230104.
109. M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, J. Wang, Signed graphs with integral net Laplacian spectrum,
AKCE Int. J. Graphs Combin., 20 (2023), 177-184.
108. Z. Stanić, Relations between the skew spectrum of an oriented graph and the spectrum of an associated signed graph,
Linear Algebra Appl., 676 (2023), 241-250.
107. Z. Stanić, Estimating distance between an eigenvalue of a signed graph and the spectrum of an induced subgraph,
Discrete Appl. Math., 340 (2023), 32-40.
106. Z. Stanić, Notes on upper bounds for the largest eigenvalue of a signed graph,
Kuwait J. Sci., 50 (2023), 200-203.
*105. S. Li, J. Wang, Z. Stanić, On graphs with small ranks: Old and new results,
Adv. Math. (China), 52 (2023), 385-405.
104. Z. Stanić, Determination of particular double starlike trees by the Laplacian spectrum,
Linear Algebra Appl., 672 (2023), 182-194.
103. I. Sciriha, Z. Stanić, The polynomial reconstruction problem: The first 50 years,
Discrete Math., 346 (2023), 113349. Editors' Choice Award for 2023.
102. M. Anđelić, C.M. da Fonseca, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, An extended eigenvalue-free interval for the eccentricity matrix of threshold graphs,
J. Appl. Math. Comput., 69 (2023), 491-503.
101. A. Alazemi, M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Chain graphs with simple Laplacian eigenvalues and their Laplacian dynamics,
Comput. Appl. Math., 42 (2023), 6.
100. F. Duan, Q. Huang, X. Huang, Z. Stanić, J. Wang, A complete characterization of graphs with exactly two positive eigenvalues,
Adv. Appl. Math., 144 (2023), 102457.
99. F. Belardo, Z. Stanić, T. Zaslavsky, Total graph of a signed graph,
Ars Math. Contemp., 23 (2023), P1.02.
98. Z. Stanić, On cospectral oriented graphs and cospectral signed graphs,
Linear Multilinear Algebra, 70 (2022), 3689-3701.
97. Z. Stanić, Some relations between the largest eigenvalue and the frustration index of a signed graph,
Amer. J. Combin., 1 (2022), 65-72.
96. M Anđelić, C.M. da Fonseca, E. Kiliç Z. Stanić, A Sylvester-Kac matrix type and the Laplacian controllability of half graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 38 (2022), 559-571.
95. T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Notes on Johnson and Hamming signed graphs,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 65(113) (2022), 303-315.
94. Y. Yang, J. Wang, Q. Huang, Z. Stanić, On joins of a clique and a co-clique as star complements in regular graphs,
J. Algebraic Combin., 56 (2022), 383-401.
93. M. Brunetti, Z. Stanić, Ordering signed graphs with large index,
Ars Math. Contemp., 22 (2022), P4.05.
92. A. Farrugia, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Controllability of NEPSes of graphs,
Linear Multilinear Algebra, 70 (2022), 1928-1941.
91. F. Ramezani, P. Rowlinson, Z. Stanić, More on signed graphs with at most three eigenvalues,
Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 42 (2022), 1313-1331.
90. Z. Stanić, Some properties of the eigenvalues of the net Laplacian matrix of a signed graph,
Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 42 (2022), 893-903.
89. Z. Stanić, Signed graphs with two eigenvalues and vertex degree five,
Ars Math. Contemp., 22 (2022), P1.10.
88. Z. Stanić, Notes on the polynomial reconstruction of signed graphs,
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 45 (2022), 1301-1314.
87. M. Brunetti, Z. Stanić, Unbalanced signed graphs with extremal spectral radius or index,
Comput. Appl. Math., 41 (2022), 118.
86. Z. Stanić, Star complements in signed graphs with two symmetric eigenvalues,
Kuwait J. Sci., 49(2) (2022), 1-8.
85. G.R.W. Greaves, Z. Stanić, Signed (0, 2)-graphs with few eigenvalues and a symmetric spectrum,
J. Comb. Des., 30 (2022), 332-353.
84. F. Ramezani, P. Rowlinson, Z. Stanić, Signed graphs with at most three eigenvalues,
Czech. Math. J., 72 (2022), 59-77.
83. Z. Stanić, Some relations between the skew spectrum of an oriented graph and the spectrum of certain closely associated signed graphs,
Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina, 63 (2022), 41-50.
82. R. Mulas, Z. Stanić, Star complements for ±2 in signed graphs,
Spec. Matrices, 10 (2022), 258-266.
81. P. Rowlinson, Z. Stanić, Signed graphs whose spectrum is bounded by -2,
Appl. Math. Comput., 423 (2022), 126991.
80. F. Ramezani, Z. Stanić, Some upper bounds for the net Laplacian index of a signed graph,
B. Iran Math. Soc., 48 (2022), 243-250.
79. A. Alazemi, M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Eigenvalue-free intervals of distance matrices of threshold and chain graphs,
Linear Multilinear Algebra, 69 (2021), 2959-2975.
78. M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Inequalities for Laplacian eigenvalues of signed graphs with given frustration number,
Symmetry, 13 (2021), 1902.
77. M. Anđelić, D.M. Cardoso, S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, The main vertices of a star set an related graph parameters,
Discrete Math., 344 (2021), 112593.
76. M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Bounds on signless Laplacian eigenvalues of Hamiltonian graphs,
B. Braz. Math. Soc., 52 (2021), 467–476.
75. M. Liu, C. Chen, Z. Stanić, On graphs whose second largest eigenvalue is at most 1,
European J. Combin., 97 (2021), 103385.
74. Z. Stanić, Lower bounds for the algebraic connectivity of graphs with specified subgraphs,
Electron. J. Graph Theory Appl., 9 (2021), 257-263.
73. Z. Stanić, Connected non-complete signed graphs which have symmetric spectrum but are not sign-symmetric,
Examples and Counterexamples, 1 (2021), 100007.
72. Z. Stanić, Signed graphs with totally disconnected star complements,
Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina, 62 (2021), 95-104.
71. Z. Stanić, A. Vijayakumar, On spectral radius of signed graphs without negative even cycles,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 64(112) (2021), 89-96.
70. P. Rowlinson, Z. Stanić, Signed graphs with three eigenvalues: Biregularity and beyond,
Linear Algebra Appl., 621 (2021), 272-295.
69. M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Notes on Hamiltonian threshold and chain graphs,
AIMS Math., 6 (2021), 5078–5087.
68. Z. Stanić, Upper bounds for the largest singular value of certain digraph matrices,
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 44 (2021), 871-879.
67. F. Ramezani, Z. Stanić, An upper bound for the Laplacian index of a signed graph,
Discrete Math. Lett., 5 (2021), 24-28.
66. Z. Stanić, Laplacian controllability for graphs with integral Laplacian spectrum,
Mediterr. J. Math., 18 (2021), 35.
65. Z. Stanić, A note on a walk-based inequality for the index of a signed graph,
Spec. Matrices, 9 (2021), 19-21.
64. Z. Stanić, A decomposition of signed graphs with two eigenvalues,
Filomat, 34 (2020), 1949-1957.
63. Z. Stanić, Main eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices with application to signed graphs,
Czech. Math. J., 70 (2020), 1091-1102.
62. Z. Stanić, Star complementary strongly regular decompositions of strongly regular graphs,
Linear Multilinear Algebra, 68 (2020), 2448-2461.
61. T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, On a class of strongly regular signed graphs,
Publ. Math. Debrecen, 97 (2020), 353-365.
60. Z. Stanić, Notes on exceptional signed graphs,
Ars Math. Contemp., 18 (2020), 105-115.
59. M. Anđelić, M. Brunetti, Z. Stanić, Laplacian controllability for graphs obtained by some standard products,
Graphs Combin., 36 (2020), 1593–1602.
58. Z. Stanić, Oriented graphs whose skew spectral radius does not exceed 2,
Linear Algebra Appl., 603 (2020), 359-367.
57. Z. Stanić, On the spectrum of the net Laplacian matrix of a signed graph,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 63(111) (2020), 203-211.
56. Z. Stanić, Net Laplacian controllability for joins of signed graphs,
Discrete Appl. Math., 285 (2020), 197–203.
55. F. Ramezani, P. Rowlinson, Z. Stanić, On eigenvalue multiplicity in signed graphs,
Discrete Math., 343 (2020), 111982.
54. M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, On regular signed graphs with three eigenvalues,
Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 40 (2020), 405–416.
53. Z. Stanić, Lower bounds for the least Laplacian eigenvalue of unbalanced blocks,
Linear Algebra Appl., 584 (2020), 145–152.
52. Z. Stanić, Spectra of signed graphs with two eigenvalues,
Appl. Math. Comput., 364 (2020), 124627.
51. Z. Stanić, Controllability of certain real symmetric matrices with application to controllability of graphs,
Discrete Math. Lett., 3 (2020), 9–13.
50. M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, A note on the eigenvalue free intervals of some classes of signed threshold graphs,
Spec. Matrices, 7 (2019), 218–225.
49. Z. Stanić, On strongly regular signed graphs,
Discrete Appl. Math., 271 (2019), 184–190.
48. Z. Stanić, Integral regular net-balanced signed graphs with vertex degree at most four,
Ars Math. Contemp., 17 (2019), 103–114.
47. Z. Stanić, Some bounds for the largest eigenvalue of a signed graph,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 62(110) (2019), 183–189.
46. Z. Stanić, Unions of a clique and a co-clique as star complements for non-main graph eigenvalues,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 35 (2019), 90–99.
45. Z. Stanić, Bounding the largest eigenvalue of signed graphs,
Linear Algebra Appl., 573 (2019), 80–89.
44. Z. Stanić, Perturbations in a signed graph and its index,
Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 38 (2018), 841–852.
43. I. Jovović, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Trees with small spectral gap,
Ars Math. Contemp., 14 (2018), 97–107.
42. T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Connected signed graphs of fixed order, size and negative edges with maximal index,
Linear Multilinear Algebra, 65 (2017), 2187–2198.
41. D.M. Cardoso, P. Carvalho,
P. Rama, S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, Lexicographic polynomials of graphs and their spectra,
Appl. Anal. Discrete Math., 11 (2017), 258–272.
40. A. Alazemi, M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Distance-regular graphs with small number of distinct distnce eigenvalues,
Linear Algebra Appl., 531 (2017), 83–97.
39. M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Distance spectrum and energy of graphs with small diameter,
Appl. Anal. Discrete Math., 11 (2017), 108–122.
38. S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, Polynomial reconstruction of signed graphs whose least eigenvalue is close to -2,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 31 (2016), 740–753.
37. B. Mihailović, M. Rašajski, Z. Stanić, Reflexive cacti: A survey, Appl.
Anal. Discrete Math., 10 (2016), 552–568.
36. S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, Polynomial reconstruction of signed graphs,
Linear Algebra Appl., 501 (2016), 390–408.
35. I. Jovović, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Non-bipartite
graphs of fixed order and size that minimize the least eigenvalue,
Linear Algebra Appl., 477 (2015), 148–164.
34. I. Jovanović, Z. Stanić, Spectral
distances of graphs based on their different matrix representations,
Filomat, 28 (2014), 723–734.
33. M.-G. Yoon, D. Cvetković, P. Rowlinson, Z. Stanić, Controllability
of multi-agent dynamical systems with a broadcasting control signal,
Asian J. Control, 16 (2014), 1066–1072.
32. Z. Stanić, Further
results on controllable graphs, Discrete Appl.
Math., 166 (2014), 215–221.
31. T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Reflexive
bipartite regular graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 442
(2014), 145–155.
30. T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Some
spectral inequalities for triangle-free regular graphs,
Filomat, 27 (2013), 1561–1567.
29. T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Regular
graphs with small second largest eigenvalue, Appl.
Anal. Discrete Math., 7 (2013), 235–249.
28. Z. Stanić, Graphs
with small spectral gap, Electron. J. Linear
Algebra, 26 (2013),
27. T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Regular
graphs whose second largest eigenvalue is at most
1, Novi Sad J. Math., 43(3)
(2013), 145–153.
26. T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Regular
bipartite graphs with three distinct non-negative
eigenvalues, Linear Algebra Appl., 438
(2013), 3336–3349.
25. M. Anđelić, C.M. da Fonseca, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić,
Sharp spectral
inequalities for
connected bipartite graphs with maximal Q-index,
Ars Math. Contemp., 6 (2013),
24. M. Milatović, Z. Stanić, The
nested split graphs whose second largest eigenvalue
is equal to 1, Novi Sad J. Math., 42(2)
(2012), 33–42.
23. M. Anđelić, T. Koledin, Z. Stanić, Nested graphs with bounded second
(signless Laplacian) eigenvalue, Electron. J.
Linear Algebra, 24 (2012), 181–201.
22. Z. Stanić, Some
graphs whose second largest eigenvalue does not exceed √2,
Linear Algebra Appl., 437 (2012), 1812–1820.
21. I. Jovanović, Z. Stanić, Spectral
distances of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 436
(2012), 1425–1435.
20. D. Cvetković, P. Rowlinson, Z. Stanić, M.-G. Yoon,
Controllable graphs
with least
eigenvalue at least -2, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math., 5
(2011), 165–175.
19. D. Cvetković, P. Rowlinson, Z. Stanić, M.-G. Yoon,
Controllable graphs,
Bull. Cl.
Sci. Math. Nat. Sci. Math., 36 (2011), 81–88.
18. T. Bıyıkoğlu, S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, Some notes on spectra of cographs,
Combin., 100 (2011), 421–434.
17. Z. Stanić, On
regular graphs and coronas whose second largest eigenvalue does
not exceed 1, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 58
(2010), 545–554.
16. Z. Stanić, Some
notes on minimal self-centered graphs, AKCE Int. J. Graphs
Combin., 7 (2010), 97–102.
15. D. Cvetković, S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, Spectral
determination of graphs whose
components are paths and cycles, Comp. Math. Appl.,
59 (2010), 3849–3857.
14. S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, On
Q-integral (3,s)-semiregular bipartite graphs,
Appl. Anal. Discrete Math., 4 (2010), 167–174.
13. Z. Stanić, On
determination of caterpillars with four terminal vertices by their
Laplacian spectrum, Linear Algebra Appl., 431
(2009), 2035–2048.
12. S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, On
some forests determined by their Laplacian or signless
Laplacian spectrum, Comp. Math. Appl., 58
(2009), 171–178.
11. Z. Stanić, On
nested split graphs whose second largest eigenvalue is less than 1,
Linear Algebra Appl., 430 (2009), 2200–2211.
10. Z. Stanić, Some
results on Q-integral graphs, Ars Combin., 90
(2009), 321–335.
9. Z. Stanić, Some
star complements for the second largest eigenvalue of a graph,
Ars Math. Contemp., 1 (2008), 126–136.
8. S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, Q-integral
graphs with edge-degrees at most five, Discrete
Math., 308 (2008), 4625–4634.
7. S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, On
the polynomial reconstruction of graphs whose vertex deleted
subgraphs have spectra bounded from below by –2,
Linear Algebra Appl.,
428 (2008), 1865–1873.
6. Z. Stanić, There
are exactly 172 connected Q-integral graphs up to 10 vertices,
Novi Sad J. Math., 37(2) (2007), 193–205.
5. Z. Stanić,
graphs whose second largest eigenvalue equals 1 – the star
complement technique, Linear Algebra Appl., 420
(2007), 700–710.
4. S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, The
polynomial reconstruction of unicyclic graphs is unique,
Linear Multilinear Algebra, 55 (2007), 35–43.
3. Z. Stanić, Determination
of large families and diameter of equiseparable trees,
Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd), 79(93) (2006), 29–36.
2. Z. Stanić, Geodesic
polyhedra and nets, Kragujevac J. Math., 28
(2005), 41–55.
1. Z. Stanić, A game
based on spectral graph theory, Univ. Beograd Publ.
Elektrotehn. Fak., Ser Mat., 16 (2005), 88–93.
Conference proceedings papers
M. Anđelić, E. Dolićanin, Z. Stanić, Controllability of the multi-agent system modeled by the chain graphs with repeated degree, in:
Proceedings of IX International Conference IcETRAN and LXVI ETRAN Conference
(V.A. Katić, Ed. in Charge)
June 6–9, 2022, Novi Pazar (Serbia), ETRAN Society and Academic Mind, Belgrade, 2022, pp.
Z. Stanić, S.K. Simić, On graphs with unicyclic star
complement for 1 as the
second largest eigenvalue, in: N. Bokan, M. Đorić, Z. Rakić, B. Wegner,
J Wess (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference
Geometry and Related Topics, June 26–July 02, 2005, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro),
Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, 2006, pp. 475–484.
K. Kostić, Z. Stanić, GraphEbra, 2024, available at https://graphebra.matf.bg.ac.rs.
The interactive user-friendly web application build on Python and utilized in the Django framework. It can be used as an assistant improving research procedures in the theory of signed graphs. It also covers ordinary graphs and weighted graphs.
I. Jovanović, Z. Stanić, SpecDist, 2012 (version 1), 2017 (version 2), available at http://www.matf.bg.ac.rs/~zstanic/sdist.htm.
The collection of programs written in C++. It can be used for computation of spectral distances between graphs or graph energies.
Z. Stanić, N. Stefanović, SCL - Star
Complement Library, 2005 (version 1), 2007-2024 (version 2), available at http://www.matf.bg.ac.rs/~zstanic/scl.htm.
The library of programs written in C++ representing
a tool for constructing graphs from
their smaller induced subgraphs, called star complements. It can be seen as a software support for the so-called star complement technique.
Modules for
computing maximal cliques and isomorphism classes of graphs are
Signed graphs
of small order.
with integer index and minimal self-centered graphs with up to 10 vertices.