
Filip Marić

    PhD: June 2009.

    October 2006. - June 2009. Phd in computer science, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. Thesis: "Formalization, Implementation and Applications of SAT solvers". advisor: Predrag Janičić (Univ. of Belgrade).
    (Thesis and supplementary materials)

    MSc: July 2005.

    2002.-2005. Master of Science degree from Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. GPA 10.00; Thesis "Implementation of schemes for building decision procedures into automated reasoning systems". advisor: Predrag Janičić (Univ. of Belgrade).
    (Thesis (Serbian), Table of Conents (English), Implementation)

    BSc: March 2002.

    1997.-2002. Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. Graduated in March 2002. with GPA (grade point average) 10.00 (out of 10.00).