Course required for degree Diploma in Astrophysics
VII Semester 2+2, VIII Semester 2+2

INTRODUCTION. Subject, Aims and Methods of Radio Astronomy and Radar Astronomy. Charateristics of the Cosmic Radio Noise. The Radio Astronomy Frequency Allocations. The Influence of Earth's Atmosphere and Ground on Measurements in Radio Astronomy. The Importance of Diffraction in Radio Domain. Fundamental Properties of the Radio Sky. Cosmic Radio Sources. Catalogues of Radio Sources.

FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF RADIO ASTRONOMY. Power, Spectral Power and Brightness. Brightness Temperature. Brightness Distribution. Fourier Analysis of the Brightness Distribution. Spatial Frequency. Flux Density. Jansky. Spectra of Radio Sources. Spectral Indices. Polarization Parameters. Polarization Temperature.

RADIO-ANTENNAS. Termodinamical Properties of Antenna. Reciprocity Theorem. Antenna Temperature. Power Diagram of Antenna. Main Beam, Side Lobes and Back Lobes. Beam Solid Angle. The Connection between Aperture Electric Field Distribution and Electric Field in a Distant Point (Basic Theorem in Radio-Astronomy).

RADIO RECEIVERS. Types of Receivers. Dicke's Radiometer. Reception of a continuous spectrum. The Fourier Analysis of the Process. Receivers Calibration.

THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF RADIO MEASUREMENTS. Convolution of Brightness Distribution and Power Diagram of Antenna. Angular Spectrum of the Brightness Distribution as the Fourier Transformation of the Electric Field Distribution. Theorem of Convolution and its Application to Observations. Smoothing of the Brightness Distribution. Impossibility of Restauration of Spatial Frequences Full Spectrum. Sampling Theorem. Basic Notions in Design of Arrayal Systems. Interferometers and Aperture Synthesis; the Application of Fourier Transformations.

FUNDAMENTALS OF RADIO EMISSION. Synchrotron Radiation of a Single Electron and Ensemble of Electrons. Energy Distribution of Cosmic Electrons. Cyclotron Radiation. Thermal Radiation. Line Emission. Radio Sources with Combined Spectra. Separation of Components. Differential Spectral Index.

THE INFLUENCE OF A MEDIUM ON THE PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVES. Absorption, Refraction, Dispersion, Amplification, Scattering, Scintillations, Altering the State of Polarization. Synchrotron Self Absorption. Masers.

SOLAR RADIO EMISSION. The Quiet Sun. The Slowly Varying Component and the Rapidly Varying Component. Types of Bursts. Solar Appearance in Different Wavelenghts. Determination of the Astronomical Unit by Radar.

PLANETARY RADIO EMISSION. Thermal and Nonthermal Radio Emission of Planets and their Satellites. Phase Effects. The Earth as a Radio Source. Jupiter as a Composite Radio Source. Radar Investigation of Planets.

RADIO STARS. Radio Emission of Standard Stars on the HR Diagram. Radio Emission of Novae and Supernovae. Radio Emission of Early Stage Stars. SS433 and Similar Objects. Pulsars - Basic Characteristics; Binary Pulsars as the Test of General Theory of Relativity.

GALACTIC RADIO EMISSION. Galactic Radio Emission, its Distribution and Properties. Galactic Radio Sources. The Investigation of Galactic Spiral Structure and Galactic Magnetic Field by Using Radio Astronomy Methods.

EXTRAGALACTIC RADIO EMISSION. Radio Emission of Normal and Active Galaxies. Rotation Velocities Curves as Indicators of Dark Matter. Quasars. Cores of Active Galaxies as Candidates for Black Holes. Radio Jets. Gravitational Lenses. Extrgalactic Radio Sources Count. Cosmic Microwave Radiation.

EXERCISES.Computational Exercises.
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