Construction in GCLC language

dim 120 120

point B 20 40
point T_{c} 55.38 72.43

color 220 0 0
fontsize 11

cmark_b B
cmark_lt T_{c}
color 0 0 0
fontsize 10

% point A is given by the problem setting, but it has to belong to the line c which is constructible from the others objects given 
% DET:  points B and T_{c} are not the same
% Constructing a line c which passes through point B and point T_{c}
line c B T_{c} 

color 200 200 200
drawline c
color 0 0 0

% Constructing a point A such that BA/BT_{c}=0.8888888833611348
towards A B T_{c} 0.8888888833611348 
color 220 0 0
fontsize 11
cmark_t A
color 0 0 0
fontsize 10

color 200 200 200
drawsegment B T_{c} 
color 0 0 0

% NDG:  points A and B are not the same; points B and T_{c} are not the same; points B and midpoint([A,T_{c}]) are not the same
% Constructing a point P_{\_G6316} which is an image of the point B in a rotation around the point T_{c} for the angle 90
rotate P_{\_G6316} T_{c} 90 B 
cmark_r P_{\_G6316}
color 200 200 200
drawarc_p T_{c} B 90 
color 0 0 0

% Constructing a line L_{\_G6319} which passes through point T_{c} and point P_{\_G6316}
line L_{\_G6319} T_{c} P_{\_G6316} 

color 200 200 200
drawline L_{\_G6319}
color 0 0 0

% Constructing midpoint P_{\_G6322} of the segment BP_{\_G6316}
midpoint P_{\_G6322} B P_{\_G6316} 
cmark_r P_{\_G6322}

% Constructing a line L_{\_G6325} which passes through point A and point P_{\_G6322}
line L_{\_G6325} A P_{\_G6322} 

color 200 200 200
drawline L_{\_G6325}
color 0 0 0

% Constructing a line L_{\_G6328} which passes through point B and point P_{\_G6322}
line L_{\_G6328} B P_{\_G6322} 

color 200 200 200
drawline L_{\_G6328}
color 0 0 0

% Constructing a point P_{\_G6331} which belongs to line L_{\_G6319} and line L_{\_G6325}
intersec P_{\_G6331} L_{\_G6319} L_{\_G6325} 
cmark_r P_{\_G6331}

% Constructing a point P_{\_G6334} which belongs to line L_{\_G6319} and line L_{\_G6328}
intersec P_{\_G6334} L_{\_G6319} L_{\_G6328} 
cmark_r P_{\_G6334}

% Constructing a line L_{\_G6337} which passes through point A and point P_{\_G6334}
line L_{\_G6337} A P_{\_G6334} 

color 200 200 200
drawline L_{\_G6337}
color 0 0 0

% Constructing a line L_{\_G6340} which passes through point B and point P_{\_G6331}
line L_{\_G6340} B P_{\_G6331} 

color 200 200 200
drawline L_{\_G6340}
color 0 0 0

% Constructing a point P_{\_G6343} which belongs to line L_{\_G6337} and line L_{\_G6340}
intersec P_{\_G6343} L_{\_G6337} L_{\_G6340} 
cmark_r P_{\_G6343}

% Constructing a line L_{\_G6346} which passes through point P_{\_G6322} and point P_{\_G6343}
line L_{\_G6346} P_{\_G6322} P_{\_G6343} 

color 200 200 200
drawline L_{\_G6346}
color 0 0 0

% Constructing a point T`_{c} which belongs to line L_{\_G6346} and line c
intersec T`_{c} L_{\_G6346} c 
cmark_r T`_{c}

% Constructing midpoint P_{\_G7216} of the segment T_{c}T`_{c}
midpoint P_{\_G7216} T_{c} T`_{c} 
cmark_r P_{\_G7216}

% Generating number V[_G7164] with value 0.8888888833611348
number V[_G7164] 0.8888888833611348 

% Calculating value V[_G7185] using formula V[_G7164]*360
expression V[_G7185]  { V[_G7164]*360  } 

% Constructing a point C which is an image of the point V[_G7185] in a rotation around the point T_{c} for the angle T`_{c}
rotate C T_{c} V[_G7185] T`_{c} 
cmark_b C
color 200 200 200
drawarc_p T_{c} T`_{c} V[_G7185] 
color 0 0 0

drawsegment A B
drawsegment A C
drawsegment B C

% Non-degenerate conditions:  points A and B are not the same; points B and T_{c} are not the same; points B and midpoint([A,T_{c}]) are not the same
% Determination conditions:  points B and T_{c} are not the same