TEI zaglavlje - opis datoteke
Primer zaglavlja za e-izdanje srpskog prevoda Orvelove 1984, sastavni deo MULTEXT-East V3 distribucije.
Primer - opis datoteke sa tekstom
<teiHeader creator="CK" status="update" date.created="2004-04-06" date.updated="2004-04-09" id="Osr.teiHeader">
<fileDesc> --opis datoteke s tekstom --
<titleStmt> -- informacije o naslovu --
<title>Multext-East cesAna: Nineteen Eighty-Four, Serbian
</title> --naslov--
<respStmt> -- informacije o odgovornosti --
<name>Cvetana Krstev</name>
<resp>Tagging supervision, conversion from INTEX format.
<name>Tomaž Erjavec</name>
<resp>TEI P4 conformance.</resp>
<editionStmt> --informacije o izdanju --
<edition>MULTEXT-East, Version 3 BETA</edition>
<publicationStmt> -- o izdavanju i distribuciji --
<xref url="http://nl.ijs.si/ME/V3/">
Computer Science Department
Faculty of Mathematics
<addrLine>Studentski trg 16</addrLine>
<addrLine>11000 Belgrade</addrLine>
<availability status="restricted">
<p>Available for non-commercial use provided that this Header is included in its entirety with any copy distributed</p>
<date value="2004-04-09">April 9th, 2004</date>
<sourceDesc> -- o izvoru iz koga je nastao --
<title>Multext-East CES1: Nineteen Eighty-Four, Serbian
<name>Cvetana Krstev</name>
<resp>Error correction, CES1 conformance.</resp>
<name>Duško Vitas</name>
<name>Tomaž Erjavec</name>
<resp>Encoding harmonisation with the MULTEXT-East '1984' corpus.</resp>
<p>TELRI Final Release</p>
<date value="1998-03-02">January 1st, 1998</date>
<title>Orwell's 1984: electronic edition</title>
<name>Oxford Text Archive</name>
<resp> The four versions of Orwell's 1984 in the OTA ...</resp>
<p>Public Domain TEI edition prepared at the Oxford Text Archive </p>
<distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>
<addrLine>Oxford University Computing Service <br> 13 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 6NN UK <br>archive@ox.ac.uk </addrLine>
<availability status="restricted">
<p>Freely available for non-commercial use provided that this
header is included in its entirety with any copy distributed </p>
<date>19 Nov 1992</date>
<author>George Orwell </author>
<author>Translator: Vlada Stojiljković</author>
<edition>Second edition</edition>
<publisher>Beogradski izdavačko-grafički zavod
Dokument: |
URL: |
| Autor: | Cvetana Krstev | Poslednja izmena: | | |