CV u Malagi na tvrđavi Alkasaba, februar 2020.

Cvetana Krstev

cvetana at matf_bg_ac_rs

Library and Information Science Department
Faculty of Philology
University of Belgrade
Studentski trg 16
RS-11000 Belgrade
Tel.: +381 11 2638 622 / lokal 192
Fax.: +381 11 2630 039

General information


Language technologies:
resources and tools


  • In Parseme

Students' work

Multimedia document 2016/17 -
Multimedia document 2015/16 -
How we used to eat well!
Al' se nekad dobro jelo
Multimedia document 2014/15 -
It's rock'n'roll whole of Yugoslavia
ex-YU rock
Multimedia document 2013/14 -
Julius Verne: Around the World in 80 Days
Put oko sveta za 80 dana
Multimedia document 2012/13 -
How they made us laugh:
Radivoje Lola Đukić i Novak Novak
Radivoje Lola Đukić i Novak Novak
Multimedia document 2011/12 -
Stevan Sremac
Priest Ćira and priest Spira
Pop Cira i pop Spira
Multimedia document 2010/11 -
Favorite radio shows


Useful information  

Infotheca - Jornal for Digital Humanities

Something completely different...

Women in Coputer Sciences, Sciences?

Last change: September  2014