Paralelni prevod Persuasion - first two chapters
Engleski -EN ()Srpski -SR ()
n1 : Sir Walter Elliot, of Kellynch Hall, in Somersetshire, was a man who, for his own amusement, never took up any book but the Baronetage; n1 : Ser Volter Eliot, gospodar Kelincy Hola, u Semersetsxiru, bio je cyovek koji, radi svoje zabave, nikad nije uzimao drugu knxigu osim knxige o baronetima.
n2 : there he found occupation for an idle hour, and consolation in a distressed one; n2 : Tu bi nalazio zanimanxe u cyasovima dokolice i utehe u cyasovima tuge;
n3 : there his faculties were roused into admiration and respect, by contemplating the limited remnant of the earliest patents; n3 : tu bi se nxegove sposobnosti rasplamsavale u divlxenxe i posxtovanxe, dok je razgledao ogranicyeni ostatak najranijih povelxa;
n4 : there any unwelcome sensations, arising from domestic affairs, changed naturally into pity and contempt, as he turned over the almost endless creations of the last century-- n4 : tu bi se sva nepozxelxna uzbudxenxa, izazvana porodicynim poslovima, prirodno pretvarala u samilost i prezir dok je listao po gotovo beskrajnim tekovinama prosxlog veka;
n5 : and there, if every other leaf were powerless, he could read his own history with an interest which never failed-- n5 : i tu je on, kad svi drugi listovi ne bi pomagali, mogao da cyita sopstvenu istoriju sa interesovanxem koje nije nikad presahnxivalo.
n6 : this was the page at which the favourite volume always opened n6 : Ovo je stranica na kojoj se omilxena knxiga uvek otvarala.
n8 : "Walter Elliot, born March 1, 1760, married, July 15, 1784, Elizabeth, daughter of James Stevenson, Esq. of South Park, in the county of Gloucester; n8 : Volter Eliot, rodxen 1.marta 1760, ozxenxen 15.jula 1784, Elizabetom, kcxerkom plemicxa Dyemsa Stivensona, gospodara Saut Parka, u grofoviji Gloster;
n9 : by which lady (who died 1800) he has issue Elizabeth, born June 1, 1785; n9 : od koje ledi (umrle 1800 ima potomstvo - Elizabet, rodxena 1.juna 1785;
n10 : Anne, born August 9, 1787; n10 : En, rodxenu 9.avgusta 1787;
n11 : a still-born son, Nov. 5, 1789; n11 : sina, mrtvorodxenog 5.novembra 1789;
n12 : Mary, born Nov. 20, 1791." n12 : Meri, rodxenu 20. novembra 1791.
n13 : Precisely such had the paragraph originally stood from the printer's hands; n13 : Tacyno je tako prvobitno glasio odelxak kad je izasxao iz sxtamparevih ruku,
n14 : but Sir Walter had improved it by adding, for the information of himself and his family, these words, after the date of Mary's birth -- "Married, December 16, 1810, Charles, son and heir of Charles Musgrove, Esq. of Uppercross, in the county of Somerset," and by inserting most accurately the day of the month on which he had lost his wife. n14 : no ser Volter, radi obavesxtenxa sebe i svoje porodice, dopunio ga je dodajucxi ove recyi posle datuma rodxenxa Meri- udata, 16. decembra 1810, za Cyarlsa, sina i naslednika plemicxa Cyarlsa Mazgrova od Aperkrosa, u grofoviji Samerset, i umecxucxi najbrizxlxivije dan kada je izgubio suprugu.
n15 : Then followed the history and rise of the ancient and respectable family, in the usual terms: how it had been first settled in Cheshire; n15 : Zatim su sledili istorija i uspon ove stare i uvazxene porodice, izlozxeni uobicyajenim izrazima - kako je najpre bila nastanxena u Cyesxiru,
n16 : how mentioned in Dugdale, serving the office of High Sheriff, representing a borough in three successive parliaments, n16 : kako se spominxala u Dagdelu, vrsxila sluzxbu vrhovnog sxerifa, predstavlxala jedan grad u tri uzastopna parlamenta;
n17 : exertions of loyalty, and dignity of baronet, in the first year of Charles II., with all the Marys and Elizabeths they had married; n17 : izlozxeni su i napori podanicyke vernosti i baronetskog dostojanstva nxenih pripadnika u prvoj godini vladavine Cyarlsa II, uz navodxenxe svih Meri i Elizabet kojima su se oni zxenili;
n18 : forming altogether two handsome duodecimo pages, and concluding with the arms and motto -- n18 : to je ispunxavalo ukupno dve zamasxne stranice formata dvanaestine i zavrsxavalo se grbom i geslom:
n19 : "Principal seat, Kellynch hall, in the county of Somerset," and Sir Walter's hand-writing again in this finale -- n19 : Glavno sedisxte Kelincy Hol, u grofoviji Samerset, i ser Volterovim rukopisom, opet u ovoj zavrsxnici:
n20 : "Heir presumptive, William Walter Elliot, Esq., great grandson of the second Sir Walter." n20 : Prezumptivni naslednik, pl. Vilijam Volter Eliot, praunuk drugog ser Voltera.
n21 : Vanity was the beginning and the end of Sir Walter Elliot's character; n21 : Tasxtina je bila pocyetak i kraj karaktera Ser Voltera -
n22 : vanity of person and of situation. n22 : tasxtina zbog izgleda i zbog polozxaja.
n23 : He had been remarkably handsome in his youth; n23 : Bio je upadlxivo lep u mladosti,
n24 : and, at fifty-four, was still a very fine man. n24 : a josx uvek je odlicyno izgledao u pedeset cyetvrtoj godini.
n25 : Few women could think more of their personal appearance than he did; n25 : Malo koja zxena je mislila o svojoj spolxasxnxosti visxe od nxega,
n26 : nor could the valet of any new made lord be more delighted with the place he held in society. n26 : niti bi lakej nekog novoproglasxenog lorda mogao biti ushicxeniji mestom koje je zauzeo u drusxtvu.
n27 : He considered the blessing of beauty as inferior only to the blessing of a baronetcy; n27 : Smatrao je blagodat lepote nizxom samo od blagodeti baronetstva;
n28 : and the Sir Walter Elliot, who united these gifts, was the constant object of his warmest respect and devotion. n28 : i taj ser Volter Eliot, u kome su se sjedinxavali ovi darovi, bio je stalni predmet nxegovog najusrdnijeg uvazxavanxa i predanosti.
n29 : His good looks and his rank had one fair claim on his attachment; n29 : Nxegova lepa pojava i nxegov stalezx davali su mu jedno jedino posxteno pravo na ovo osecxanxe,
n30 : since to them he must have owed a wife of very superior character to any thing deserved by his own. n30 : posto je svakako nxima imao da zahvali za suprugu cyiji se karakter uzdizao iznad svega sxto je zasluzxivao nxegov sopstveni karakter.
n31 : Lady Elliot had been an excellent woman, sensible and amiable; n31 : Ledi Eliot je bila izvanredna zxena, razborita i dobrocxudna,
n32 : whose judgment and conduct, if they might be pardoned the youthful infatuation which made her Lady Elliot, had never required indulgence afterwards. n32 : cyijem se rasudxivanxu i ponasxanxu, ako im se mozxe oprostiti mladenacyka zaludxenost koja ju je nacyinila ledi Eliot, docnije nije nikad bio potreban oprosxtaj.
n33 : She had humoured, or softened, or concealed his failings, and promoted his real respectability for seventeen years; n33 : Ona se prilagodxavala nxegovim slabostima, ili ih je ublazxavala ili prikrivala, i podizala je nxegov stvarni ugled sedamnaest godina;
n34 : and though not the very happiest being in the world herself, had found enough in her duties, her friends, and her children, to attach her to life, and make it no matter of indifference to her when she was called on to quit them. n34 : i mada licyno nije spadala u najsrecxnija stvorenxa na svetu, ona je u svojim duzxnostima, svojim prijatelxima i svojoj deci nalazila ono sxto ju je dovolxno vezivalo za zxivot, tako da joj nije bilo svejedno kada je bila pozvana da ih napusti.
n35 : Three girls, the two eldest sixteen and fourteen, was an awful legacy for a mother to bequeath, an awful charge rather, to confide to the authority and guidance of a conceited, silly father. n35 : Tri devojke, od kojih dve starije behu od sxesnaest i cyetrnaest godina, za majku su bile uzxasno zavesxtanxe koje je ostavlxala - bolxe recxi uzxasno breme koje treba poveriti uticaju i staranxu uobrazxenog budalastog oca.
n36 : She had, however, one very intimate friend -- a sensible, deserving woman -- who had been brought, by strong attachment to herself, to settle close by her, in the village of Kellynch; n36 : Ona je, medxutim imala jednu veoma prisnu prijatelxicu, razumnu, dostojnu hvale, koja se iz velike privrzxenosti prema nxoj besxe nastanila u neposrednoj blizini, u selu Kelincyu;
n37 : and on her kindness and advice Lady Elliot mainly relied for the best help and maintenance of the good principles and instruction which she had been anxiously giving her daughters. n37 : i na nxenu dobrotu i savete ledi Eliot se uglavnom oslanxala, nalazecxi u nxima najbolxu pomocx i podrsxku za korisna nacyela i pouke koje je brizxlxivo davala svojim kcxerima.
n38 : This friend, and Sir Walter, did not marry, whatever might have been anticipated on that head by their acquaintance. n38 : Ova prijatelxica i ser Volter nisu sklopili brak, ma kakva da su bila predvidxanxa nxihovih poznanika u tom pogledu.
n39 : Thirteen years had passed away since Lady Elliot's death, and they were still near neighbours and intimate friends; n39 : Trinaest godina je prosxlo od smrti ledi Eliot, a oni su josx bili bliski susedi i prisni prijatelxi;
n40 : and one remained a widower, the other a widow. n40 : a on je ostao udovac a ona udovica.
n41 : That Lady Russell, of steady age and character, and extremely well provided for, should have no thought of a second marriage, needs no apology to the public, which is rather apt to be unreasonably discontented when a woman does marry again, than when she does not; n41 : Okolnost sxto ledi Rasel, ozbilxnih godina i karaktera, i materijalno odlicyno zbrinuta, nije ni pomisxlxala na drugi brak, ne treba pravdati pred javnosxcxu, koja je pre podlozxna bezrazlozxnom nezadovolxstvu kad se neka zxena ponovo uda nego kada se ne uda;
n42 : but Sir Walter's continuing in singleness requires explanation. n42 : ali to sxto je ser Volter produzxio svoje samasxtvo treba objasxnxenxe.
n43 : Be it known then, that Sir Walter, like a good father, (having met with one or two private disappointments in very unreasonable applications) prided himself on remaining single for his dear daughter's sake. n43 : Neka se zna, onda, da se ser Volter, kao dobar otac (posxto je naisxao na jedno-dva licyna razocyarenxa u vrlo nerazumnim zalaganxima), razmetao sto je ostao nezxenxa radi svoje drage kcxeri.
n44 : For one daughter, his eldest, he would really have given up anything, which he had not been very much tempted to do. n44 : Radi jedne kcxeri, one najstarije, on bi zaista odustajao od svega sxto ga ne bi dovodilo u vrlo veliko iskusxenxe.
n45 : Elizabeth had succeeded at sixteen to all that was possible of her mother's rights and consequence; n45 : Elizabet je, sa svojih sxesnaest godina, nasledila sve sxto je mogucxe od prava i upliva svoje majke;
n46 : and being very handsome, and very like himself, her influence had always been great, and they had gone on together most happily. n46 : i posxto je bila vrlo lepa i veoma slicyna nxemu, nxen uticaj je bio uvek veliki, i oni su se i dalxe najsrecxnije slagali.
n47 : His two other children were of very inferior value. n47 : Nxegova druga dva deteta imala su mnogo nizxu vrednost.
n48 : Mary had acquired a little artificial importance, by becoming Mrs. Charles Musgrove; n48 : Meri je stekla malo vesxtacykog znacyaja postavsxi gospodxa Cyarlsa Mazgrova;
n49 : but Anne, with an elegance of mind and sweetness of character, which must have placed her high with any people of real understanding, was nobody with either father or sister; n49 : ali En, skladnog duha i blage naravi, zbog kojih je morala visoko odskakati u ocyima lxudi koji imaju stvarno razumevanxe, nije predstavlxala nisxta ni za oca ni za sestru:
n50 : her word had no weight; n50 : nxena recy nije vredela;
n51 : her convenience was always to give way -- she was only Anne. n51 : nxena korisnost se uvek izrazxavala ustupcima - ona je bila samo En.
n52 : To Lady Russell, indeed, she was a most dear and highly valued god-daughter, favourite, and friend. n52 : Za ledi Rasel, doista, ona je bila najdrazxe i visoko cenxeno kumcye, lxubimac i prijatelx.
n53 : Lady Russell loved them all, n53 : Ledi Rasel ih je volela sve;
n54 : but it was only in Anne that she could fancy the mother to revive again. n54 : ali je mogla da zamisli da samo u En ponovo zxivi majka.
n55 : A few years before, Anne Elliot had been a very pretty girl, but her bloom had vanished early; n55 : Pre nekoliko godina En Eliot je bila vrlo lepa devojka, ali je nxena mladalacyka svezxina brzo nestala;
n56 : and as even in its height, her father had found little to admire in her (so totally different were her delicate features and mild dark eyes from his own), there could be nothing in them, now that she was faded and thin, to excite his esteem. n56 : i kako nxen otac, cyak i kad je ta svezxina dostigla vrhunac, nije nalazio gotovo nisxta cyemu bi se divio kod En (tako su se potpuno razlikovale nxene nezxne crte i blage tamne ocyi od nxegovih), sada kad je ona ubledela i smrsxala, on u nxima nije nazirao basx nisxta sto bi izazvalo nxegovo priznanxe.
n57 : He had never indulged much hope, he had now none, of ever reading her name in any other page of his favourite work. n57 : Nikad nije dopusxtao sebi mnogo nade, sad, pak, nije gajio nikakvu, da cxe ikad procyitati nxeno ime na nekoj drugoj stranici svog omilxenog spisa.
n58 : All equality of alliance must rest with Elizabeth, n58 : Brak sa cyovekom nxihovog drusxtvenog ranga mora se ostaviti za Elizabet;
n59 : for Mary had merely connected herself with an old country family of respectability and large fortune, and had therefore given all the honour, and received none: n59 : jer Meri se naprosto vezala sa jednom starom provincijskom porodicom od ugleda i znatnog bogatstva i, prema tome, ona je dala svu cyast a nije dobila nijednu.
n60 : Elizabeth would, one day or other, marry suitably. n60 : Elizabet cxe se jednog dana udati kao sto prilicyi.
n61 : It sometimes happens, that a woman is handsomer at twenty-nine than she was ten years before; n61 : Ponekad se dogadxa da je zxena lepsxa u svojih dvadeset devet godina nego sxto je bila deset godina ranije;
n62 : and, generally speaking, if there has been neither ill health nor anxiety, it is a time of life at which scarcely any charm is lost. n62 : i, uopsxte govorecxi, ako nema bolesxlxivosti ili brige, to je doba zxivota kad se retko gubi isxta od drazxi.
n63 : It was so with Elizabeth, still the same handsome Miss Elliot that she had begun to be thirteen years ago; n63 : Tako je bilo kod Elizabet - josx uvek je ona ista lepa gospodxica Eliot kakvom su je pocyeli smatrati pre trinaest godina;
n64 : and Sir Walter might be excused, therefore, in forgetting her age, or, at least, be deemed only half a fool, for thinking himself and Elizabeth as blooming as ever, amidst the wreck of the good looks of every body else; n64 : i ser Volteru bi se stoga moglo oprostiti sto zaboravlxa nxene godine ili bi, bar, mogao vazxiti samo upola kao budala sxto zamisxlxa da on i Elizabet zracye lepotom kao uvek, usred opustosxenih lica svih drugih,
n65 : for he could plainly see how old all the rest of his family and acquaintance were growing. n65 : jer je jasno video kako svi ostali od nxegove rodbine i poznanika stare -
n66 : Anne haggard, Mary coarse, every face in the neighbourhood worsting, n66 : En izgleda izmucyena, Meri ogrubela, svako lice u susedstvu sve ruzxnije;
n67 : and the rapid increase of crow's foot about Lady Russell's temples had long been a distress to him. n67 : a brz prirasxtaj bora oko slepoocynice ledi Rasel vecx odavno ga je zxalostilo.
n68 : Elizabeth did not quite equal her father in personal contentment. n68 : Elizabet se nije sasvim izjednacyila sa svojim ocem u licynom zadovolxstvu.
n69 : Thirteen years had seen her mistress of Kellynch Hall, presiding and directing with a self-possession and decision which could never have given the idea of her being younger than she was. n69 : Trinaest godina su je posmatrali kao gospodaricu Kelincy Hola, kako upravlxa i rukovodi sa pribranosxcxu i odlucynosxcxu koje nikad ne bi izazvale pomisao da je mladxa nego sxto jeste.
n70 : For thirteen years had she been doing the honours, and laying down the domestic law at home, and leading the way to the chaise-and-four, and walking immediately after Lady Russell out of all the drawing-rooms and dining-rooms in the country. n70 : Jer trinaest godina ona je docyekivala goste i propisivala porodicyni zakon kucxe, i predvodila povorku izletnicykih kocyija i izlazila odmah iza ledi Rasel iz svih salona i blagovaonica tog kraja.
n71 : Thirteen winters' revolving frosts had seen her opening every ball of credit which a scanty neighbourhood afforded; n71 : Trinaest zimskih mrazeva koji su se smenxivali s letom gledali su je kako otvara ugledne balove koje je priredxivalo mnogobrojno susedstvo,
n72 : and thirteen springs shewn their blossoms, as she travelled up to London with her father, for a few weeks annual enjoyment of the great world. n72 : a trinaest prolecxa je izlagalo svoj behar dok je ona putovala u London sa svojim ocem na nekoliko nedelxa godisxnxeg provoda u visokom drusxtvu.
n73 : She had the remembrance of all this, n73 : Secxala se svega ovog;
n74 : she had the consciousness of being nine-and-twenty, to give her some regrets and some apprehensions: n74 : bila je svesna da joj je dvadeset devet i to ju je donekle ispunxavalo zxalxenxem i strepnxom;
n75 : she was fully satisfied of being still quite as handsome as ever, n75 : osecxala je potpuno zadovolxstvo sxto je josx sasvim lepa kao uvek;
n76 : but she felt her approach to the years of danger, and would have rejoiced to be certain of being properly solicited by baronet-blood within the next twelvemonth or two. n76 : ali osecxala i da se blizxi opasnim godinama, i obradovala bi je izvesnost da cxe je sledecxu godinu-dve kakav baronet po krvi uporno, kako nxoj dolikuje, obasipati molbama da mu da ruku.
n77 : Then might she again take up the book of books with as much enjoyment as in her early youth, n77 : Tada bi opet mogla uzeti knxigu nad knxigama sa istim uzxivanxem kao u svojoj ranoj mladosti;
n78 : but now she liked it not. n78 : ali sad je nije basx marila.
n79 : Always to be presented with the date of her own birth, and see no marriage follow but that of a youngest sister, made the book an evil; n79 : To sxto joj se uvek predocyava datum nxenog rodxenxa, a ne vidi se da sledi bilo kakva udaja, osim udaje najmladxe sestre - pretvaralo je knxigu u mucyitelxa,
n80 : and more than once, when her father had left it open on the table near her, had she closed it, with averted eyes, and pushed it away. n80 : i visxe nego jedanput, kada bi nxen otac ostavio knxigu otvorenu na stolu kraj nxe, ona bi je, odvracxajucxi pogled, zatvorila i odgurnula.
n81 : She had had a disappointment, moreover, which that book, and especially the history of her own family, must ever present the remembrance of. n81 : Sem toga , dozxivela je jedno razocyarenxe, na koje ta knxiga, a narocyito istorija nxene sopstvene porodice, mora uvek da je podsecxa.
n82 : The heir-presumptive, the very William Walter Elliot, Esq. whose rights had been so generously supported by her father, had disappointed her. n82 : Prezumptivni naslednik, licyno Vilijam Volter plemeniti Eliot, cyija je prava nxen otac tako velikodusxno podrzxavao, izneverio je nxena ocyekivanxa.
n83 : She had, while a very young girl, as soon as she had known him to be, in the event of her having no brother, the future baronet, meant to marry him, n83 : Josx kao sasvim mlada devojka, cyim je saznala da je on, u slucyaju da ona nema brata, buducxi baronet, namislila je da se uda za nxega;
n84 : and her father had always meant that she should. n84 : a nxen otac je uvek smatrao da ona to i treba da ucyini.
n85 : He had not been known to them as a boy; n85 : Nisu ga poznavali kao decyka;
n86 : but soon after Lady Elliot's death, Sir Walter had sought the acquaintance; n86 : ali ubrzo posle smrti ledi Eliot, ser Volter je zatrazxio poznanstvo;
n87 : and though his overtures had not been met with any warmth, he had persevered in seeking it, making allowance for the modest drawing back of youth; n87 : i mada nxegovi predlozi nisu naisxli ni na kakvu predusretlxivost, on je istrajao u toj nameri, uzimajucxi u obzir skromnu mladicxku povucyenost;
n88 : and in one of their spring excursions to London, when Elizabeth was in her first bloom, Mr. Elliot had been forced into the introduction. n88 : i prilikom jednog od nxihovih prolecxnih izleta u London, kad je Elizabet bila u prvom cvetu, gospodin Eliot je bio prisilxen na upoznavanxe.
n89 : He was at that time a very young man, just engaged in the study of the law; n89 : U to vreme on je bio vrlo mlad cyovek, upravo zauzet studijama prava;
n90 : and Elizabeth found him extremely agreeable, and every plan in his favour was confirmed. n90 : a Elizabet je ocenila da je neobicyno prijatan, i svi planovi u nxegovu korist behu potvrdxeni.
n91 : He was invited to Kellynch Hall; n91 : Pozvali su ga u Kelincy Hol:
n92 : he was talked of and expected all the rest of the year; n92 : o nxemu se razgovaralo i on se ocyekivao ceo preostali deo godine;
n93 : but he never came. n93 : ali nikad nije dosxao.
n94 : The following spring he was seen again in town, found equally agreeable, again encouraged, invited and expected, and again he did not come; n94 : Iducxeg leta opet su ga videli u gradu, nasxli da je isto onako prijatan, ponovo ga ohrabrili, pozvali i ocyekivali, i on opet nije dosxao;
n95 : and the next tidings were that he was married. n95 : a sledecxa vest je javlxala da se ozxenio.
n96 : Instead of pushing his fortune in the line marked out for the heir of the house of Elliot, he had purchased independence by uniting himself to a rich woman of inferior birth. n96 : Umesto da svoju sudbinu usmeri u oblast omedxenu za naslednika kucxe Eliot, on je kupio nezavisnost zdruzxujucxi se sa bogatom zxenom nizxeg roda.
n97 : Sir Walter had resented it. n97 : Ser Volter je to zamerio.
n98 : As the head of the house, he felt that he ought to have been consulted, especially after taking the young man so publicly by the hand; n98 : Kao glava kucxe, osecxao je da je trebalo da bude pitan za savet, narocyito zato sxto se tako javno pokazao kao pokrovitelx mladog cyoveka.
n99 : "For they must have been seen together," he observed; n99 : "Jer mora da su vidxeni zajedno", primetio je on -
n100 : "once at Tattersal's, and twice in the lobby of the House of Commons. n100 : " jednom na Tatesolsu i dvaput u predvorju donxeg doma.
n101 : " His disapprobation was expressed, but apparently very little regarded. n101 : " Nxegovo neodobravanxe je bilo izrazxeno ali ocyigledno vrlo malo uvazxavano.
n102 : Mr. Elliot had attempted no apology, and shewn himself as unsolicitous of being longer noticed by the family, as Sir Walter considered him unworthy of it: n102 : Gospodin Eliot nije pokusxao da se opravda, i jasno je dao na znanxe da ga je isto toliko briga hocxe li mu porodica i dalxe poklanxati pazxnxu koliko i ser Volter smatra da je on toga dostojan.
n103 : all acquaintance between them had ceased. n103 : Svako poznanstvo medxu nxima je prestalo.
n104 : This very awkward history of Mr. Elliot was still, after an interval of several years, felt with anger by Elizabeth, n104 : Ovu veoma mucynu istoriju sa gospodinom Eliotom Elizabet je josx uvek, posle razdoblxa od sedam godina, dozxivlxavala sa gnevom.
n105 : who had liked the man for himself, and still more for being her father's heir, and whose strong family pride could see only in him, a proper match for Sir Walter Elliot's eldest daughter. n105 : Nxoj se on dopadao sam po sebi a josx visxe kao naslednik nxenog oca, i nxena velika porodicyna gordost mogla je samo u nxemu da vidi dolicynu priliku za najstariju kcxer ser Volter Eliota.
n106 : There was not a baronet from A to Z whom her feelings could have so willingly acknowledged as an equal. n106 : Nije postojao baronet od az do izxice koga bi nxena osecxanxa s takvom gotovosxcxu mogla primiti kao ravnog nxoj.
n107 : Yet so miserably had he conducted himself, that though she was at this present time (the summer of 1814) wearing black ribbons for his wife, she could not admit him to be worth thinking of again. n107 : Pa ipak, on se poneo tako bedno da ga je ona, iako je u ovom trenutku (leto 1814) nosila crne trake za nxegovom zxenom, ne bi mogla priznati dostojnim da se na nxega ponovo pomisxlxa.
n108 : The disgrace of his first marriage might, perhaps, as there was no reason to suppose it perpetuated by offspring, have been got over, had he not done worse; n108 : Preko sramote nxegovog prvog braka, posto nije bilo razloga za predpostavku da je on ovekovecyen potomstvom, mozxda se moglo precxi da on nije radio gore stvari;
n109 : but he had, as by the accustomary intervention of kind friends they had been informed, spoken most disrespectfully of them all, most slightingly and contemptuously of the very blood he belonged to, and the honours which were hereafter to be his own. n109 : ali on je, kako su bili obavesxteni uobicyajenim posredstvom lxubaznih prijatelxa, govorio neulxudnije o nxima svima, sa najvecxim omalovazxavanxem i prezirom o lozi kojoj je i sam pripadao i o pocyastima koje cxe se ubuducxe nxemu ukazivati.
n110 : This could not be pardoned. n110 : Ovo nije moglo da se oprosti.
n111 : Such were Elizabeth Elliot's sentiments and sensations; n111 : Takva su bila osecxanxa i prezxivlxavanxa Elizabet Eliot;
n112 : such the cares to alloy, the agitations to vary, the sameness and the elegance, the prosperity and the nothingness of her scene of life; n112 : takve brige da se ublazxe, takva uzbudxenxa su imala da izmene ustalxenost i otmenost, uspeh i nisxtavost nxene zxivotne scene;
n113 : such the feelings to give interest to a long, uneventful residence in one country circle, to fill the vacancies which there were no habits of utility abroad, no talents or accomplishments for home, to occupy. n113 : takva raspolozxenxa da unesu izvesnu zanimlxivost u dugo jednolicyno boravlxenxe u jednoj provincijskoj sredini, da popune praznine za cyije popunxavanxe nije bilo nikakvih korisnih navika za rad van kucxe, nikakvih obdarenosti ili znanxa za obavlxanxe domacxeg posla.
n114 : But now, another occupation and solicitude of mind was beginning to be added to these. n114 : Ali sad se josx jedna obuzetost i zabrinutost pocyela nadovezivati na one ranije.
n115 : Her father was growing distressed for money. n115 : Nxen otac je postajao sve snuzxdeniji zbog novca.
n116 : She knew, that when he now took up the Baronetage, it was to drive the heavy bills of his tradespeople, and the unwelcome hints of Mr. Shepherd, his agent, from his thoughts. n116 : Ona je znala da on sad uzima knxigu o baronetima zato da odagne iz svojih misli ogromne racyune svojih snabdevacya i nepozxelxne nagovesxtaje gospodina Sxeparda, svog zastupnika.
n117 : The Kellynch property was good, but not equal to Sir Walter's apprehension of the state required in its possessor. n117 : Kelinski posed je bio dobar ali ne dorastao ser Volterovim pojmovima o sjaju koji zahteva od nxegovog vlasnika.
n118 : While Lady Elliot lived, there had been method, moderation, and economy, which had just kept him within his income; n118 : Dok je ledi Eliot bila u zxivotu, postojale su urednost u poslovima, umerenost i sxtednxa, koje su ser Voltera upravo odrzxavale u granicama nxegovog dohotka;
n119 : but with her had died all such rightmindedness, and from that period he had been constantly exceeding it. n119 : ali sa nxom je nestala sva ta trezvenost, i od tog doba on ga je stalno prekoracyivao.
n120 : It had not been possible for him to spend less: he had done nothing but what Sir Walter Elliot was imperiously called on to do; n120 : Za nxega nije bilo mogucxe da trosxi manxe: nije cyinio nisxta, sem onog sxto je ser Volter Eliot neizostavno pozvan da cyini;
n121 : but blameless as he was, he was not only growing dreadfully in debt, but was hearing of it so often, that it became vain to attempt concealing it longer, even partially, from his daughter. n121 : no ma koliko da ga nije trebalo kriviti, on ne samo sxto je sve visxe zapadao u strasxne dugove nego je i slusxao o tome tako cyesto da su postali uzaludni svi pokusxaji da se to dalxe prikriva, makar i delimicyno od nxegove kcxeri.
n122 : He had given her some hints of it the last spring in town; n122 : Donekle joj je bio nagovestio stvar prosxlog prolecxa u gradu;
n123 : he had gone so far even as to say, n123 : isxao je cyak tako daleko da je rekao:
n124 : "Can we retrench? n124 : "Mozxemo li kresati izdatke?
n125 : does it occur to you that there is any one article in which we can retrench?" n125 : Pada li ti na um ijedna stavka u kojoj mozxemo kresati?
n126 : and Elizabeth, to do her justice, had, in the first ardour of female alarm, set seriously to think what could be done, and had finally proposed these two branches of economy, to cut off some unnecessary charities, and to refrain from new furnishing the drawing-room; n126 : " A Elizabet je, mora joj se priznati, u prvom zxaru zxenske uzbune ozbilxno prionula na razmisxlxanxe i najzad predlozxila ove dve grane sxtednxe: da smanxe neke nepotrebne priloge za sirotinxu, i da odustanu od novog namesxtaja za salon,
n127 : to which expedients she afterwards added the happy thought of their taking no present down to Anne, as had been the usual yearly custom. n127 : a ovim je sredstvima dodala srecxnu misao da ne nose nikakav poklon za En, kao sxto je to, inacye, svake godine obicyaj.
n128 : But these measures, however good in themselves, were insufficient for the real extent of the evil, the whole of which Sir Walter found himself obliged to confess to her soon afterwards. n128 : No ove mere, ma kako dobre same po sebi, bile su nedovolxne za stvarni obim nevolxe, koju je ser Volter bio primoran da joj prizna u potpunosti ubrzo potom.
n129 : Elizabeth had nothing to propose of deeper efficacy. n129 : Elizabet nije imala nisxta da predlozxi sto bi uspesxnije delovalo.
n130 : She felt herself ill-used and unfortunate, as did her father; n130 : Osecxala se pregazxenom i nesrecxnom kao i nxen otac;
n131 : and they were neither of them able to devise any means of lessening their expenses without compromising their dignity, or relinquishing their comforts in a way not to be borne. n131 : a nijedno od nxih nije bilo kadro da smisli neki nacyin da se smanxe nxihovi izdaci, bez dovodxenxa u pitanxe nxihovog dostojanstva ili nepodnosxlxivog odricanxa od udobnosti.
n132 : There was only a small part of his estate that Sir Walter could dispose of; n132 : Ser Volter je mogao raspolagati samo malim delom svog imanxa;
n133 : but had every acre been alienable, it would have made no difference. n133 : ali i da je svako jutro zemlxe bilo otudxivo, ne bi postojala nikakva razlika.
n134 : He had condescended to mortgage as far as he had the power, but he would never condescend to sell. n134 : Pristajao je na hipoteku, ukoliko je imao ovlasxcxenxe, ali nikada ne bi pristao na prodaju.
n135 : No; he would never disgrace his name so far. n135 : Ne, nikad ne bi osramotio svoje ime u tolikoj meri.
n136 : The Kellynch estate should be transmitted whole and entire, as he had received it. n136 : Imanxe Kelincy treba da se prenese u nasledxe celo i neokrnxeno, kako ga je primio.
n137 : Their two confidential friends, Mr. Shepherd, who lived in the neighbouring market town, and Lady Russell, were called on to advise them; n137 : Dva nxihova poverlxiva prijatelxa - gospodin Sxepard, koji je zxiveo u oblizxnxem trzxisxnom gradu, i ledi Rasel - pozvani su da ih posavetuju;
n138 : and both father and daughter seemed to expect that something should be struck out by one or the other to remove their embarrassments and reduce their expenditure, without involving the loss of any indulgence of taste or pride. n138 : oboje, i otac i kcxi, kao da su ocyekivali da cxe jedno ili drugo smisliti nesxto da se otklone nxihove nedacxe i smanxe nxihovi trosxkovi, bez sxtete po ma kakvo povladxivanxe ukusu ili gordosti.
n139 : Mr. Shepherd, a civil, cautious lawyer, who, whatever might be his hold or his views on Sir Walter, would rather have the disagreeable prompted by any body else, excused himself from offering the slightest hint, and only begged leave to recommend an implicit deference to the excellent judgment of Lady Russell, from whose known good sense he fully expected to have just such resolute measures advised as he meant to see finally adopted. n139 : Gospodin Sxepard, ugladxen, oprezan advokat, koji bi, ma kakav da je nxegov uticaj na ser Voltera ili ma kakvo misxlxenxe imao o nxemu, visxe voleo da neko drugi pokrene ono neprijatno, izvinio se sxto ne daje ni najmanxi savet i samo zamolio za dopusxtanxe da preporucyi da se bezuslovno obrate izvanrednoj razboritosti ledi Rasel, od cyijeg je poznatog zdravog razuma u potpunosti ocyekivao savetovanxe upravo takvih odlucynih mera kakve je zxeleo da vidi konacyno usvojene.
n140 : Lady Russell was most anxiously zealous on the subject, and gave it much serious consideration. n140 : Ledi Rasel se najbrizxlxivije i najusrdnije posvetila ovoj stvari i svestrano razmotrila.
n141 : She was a woman rather of sound than of quick abilities, whose difficulties in coming to any decision in this instance were great, from the opposition of two leading principles. n141 : Ona je bila zxena pre zdravih nego brzih sposobnosti, cyije tesxkocxe u dolazxenxu do neke odluke u ovom slucyaju behu velike, usled oprecynosti dva glavna principa.
n142 : She was of strict integrity herself, with a delicate sense of honour; n142 : Sama se odlikovala nesumnxivom ispravnosxcxu, sa istancyanim osecxanxem cyasti;
n143 : but she was as desirous of saving Sir Walter's feelings, as solicitous for the credit of the family, as aristocratic in her ideas of what was due to them, as any body of sense and honesty could well be. n143 : ali je toliko zxelela da posxtedi osecxanxa ser Volterova, toliko se brinula za dobar glas porodice, gajila je toliko uzvisxenxe ideje o onome sto se toj porodici duguje, koliko god je to mogao neko koga krase razum i posxtenxe.
n144 : She was a benevolent, charitable, good woman, and capable of strong attachments, most correct in her conduct, strict in her notions of decorum, and with manners that were held a standard of good-breeding. n144 : Bila je dobrodusxna, najispravnija u ophodxenxu, stroga u pojmovima pristojnosti, i sa drzxanxem koje se smatralo uzorom lepog vaspitanxa.
n145 : She had a cultivated mind, and was, generally speaking, rational and consistent; n145 : Bila je prosvecxena duha i, uopsxte uzev, razlozxna i dosledna;
n146 : but she had prejudices on the side of ancestry: she had a value for rank and consequence, which blinded her a little to the faults of those who possessed them. n146 : ali je imala predrasude u pogledu porekla - cenila je polozxaj i vazxnost, koji su je malo zasleplxivali u odnosu na nedostatke onih koji su ih posedovali.
n147 : Herself the widow of only a knight, she gave the dignity of a baronet all its due; n147 : Ona licyno, kao udova obicynog viteza, odavala je puno priznanxe dostojanstvu jednog baroneta;
n148 : and Sir Walter, independent of his claims as an old acquaintance, an attentive neighbour, an obliging landlord, the husband of her very dear friend, the father of Anne and her sisters, was, as being Sir Walter, in her apprehension entitled to a great deal of compassion and consideration under his present difficulties. n148 : a ser Volter, nezavisno od toga sto je stari poznanik, pazxlxiv sused, predusretlxiv zemlxoposednik, suprug nxene vrlo drage prijatelxice, otac En i nxenih sestara, imao je po nxenom shvatanxu, samim tim sxto je ser Volter, pravo na mnogo saosecxanxa i obzira u svojim sadasxnxim tesxkocxama.
n149 : They must retrench; n149 : Moraju kresati izdatke,
n150 : that did not admit of a doubt. n150 : to nije dopusxtalo nikakvu sumnxu.
n151 : But she was very anxious to have it done with the least possible pain to him and Elizabeth. n151 : No nxoj je bilo veoma stalo da se to izvede tako da on i Elizabet sxto je mogucxe manxe pate.
n152 : She drew up plans of economy, she made exact calculations, and she did what nobody else thought of doing: she consulted Anne, who never seemed considered by the others as having any interest in the question. n152 : Napravila je planove sxtednxe, uradila tacyne predracyune, i ucyinila ono sxto nikom drugom nije palo na um da ucyini - zatrazxila je savet od En, koju su, izgleda, ostali smatrali nezainteresovanom za ovo pitanxe.
n153 : She consulted, and in a degree was influenced by her, in marking out the scheme of retrenchment which was at last submitted to Sir Walter. n153 : Zatrazxila je savet i u izvesnom stepenu potpala pod nxen uticaj u izradi nacrta kresanxa rashoda, koji je najzad podnesen ser Volteru.
n154 : Every emendation of Anne's had been on the side of honesty against importance. n154 : Svaka Enina izmena se nalazila na strani posxtenxa nasuprot vazxnosti.
n155 : She wanted more vigorous measures, a more complete reformation, a quicker release from debt, a much higher tone of indifference for every thing but justice and equity. n155 : Zxelela je energicynije mere, poput reformisanxa, brzxe rasterecxenxe duga, jacyi ton ravnodusxnosti za sve osim pravicynosti i ispravnosti.
n156 : "If we can persuade your father to all this," said Lady Russell, looking over her paper, "much may be done. n156 : - Ako budemo kadri da ubedimo vasxeg oca u sve ovo - rekla je ledi Rasel, gledajucxi preko lista hartije - mnogo se mozxe ucyiniti.
n157 : If he will adopt these regulations, in seven years he will be clear; n157 : Ako bude usvojio ova uputstva, kroz sedam godina bicxe oslobodxen duga;
n158 : and I hope we may be able to convince him and Elizabeth that Kellynch-hall has a respectability in itself, which cannot be affected by these reductions; n158 : i nadam se da cxemo biti u stanxu da uverimo nxega i Elizabet da Kelincy Hol sam po sebi uzxiva ugled koji ova ogranicyenxa necxe okrnxiti;
n159 : and that the true dignity of Sir Walter Elliot will be very far from lessened in the eyes of sensible people, by his acting like a man of principle. n159 : i da se istinsko dostojanstvo ser Voltera Eliota ni izdaleka necxe smanxiti u ocyima razboritih lxudi zato sxto postupa kao cyovek od nacyela.
n160 : What will he be doing, in fact, but what very many of our first families have done, or ought to do? n160 : Sxta cxe on, u stvari, ucyiniti, osim onoga sxto je vrlo mnogo nasxih najistaknutijih porodica ucyinilo ili treba ucyiniti?
n161 : There will be nothing singular in his case; n161 : U nxegovom slucyaju necxe biti nicyeg osobenog;
n162 : and it is singularity which often makes the worst part of our suffering, as it always does of our conduct. n162 : a osobenost upravo cyesto sacyinxava najgoru stranu nasxe patnxe, kao sto je uvek i najgora strana nasxeg ponasxanxa.
n163 : I have great hope of our prevailing. n163 : Gajim veliku nadu da cxemo prevagnuti.
n164 : We must be serious and decided; n164 : Moramo biti ozbilxni i odlucyni;
n165 : for after all, the person who has contracted debts must pay them; n165 : jer, na kraju krajeva, lice koje je napravilo dugove mora i da ih plati;
n166 : and though a great deal is due to the feelings of the gentleman, and the head of a house, like your father, there is still more due to the character of an honest man." n166 : i mada se mnogi obziri duguju i secxanxima dyentlmena i glave kucxe, kao sxto je vasx otac, josx visxe se duguje karakteru posxtenog cyoveka.
n167 : This was the principle on which Anne wanted her father to be proceeding, his friends to be urging him. n167 : Po ovom nacyelu je En zxelela da nxen otac postupa, i da ga nxegovi prijatelxi na to podsticyu.
n168 : She considered it as an act of indispensable duty to clear away the claims of creditors with all the expedition which the most comprehensive retrenchments could secure, and saw no dignity in any thing short of it. n168 : Smatrala je da je neophodna duzxnost isplatiti poverilacyka potrazxivanxa brzinom koju mogu da obezbede najobimnije redukcije, i nije videla nikakvo dostojanstvo u prenebregavanxu ovoga.
n169 : She wanted it to be prescribed, and felt as a duty. n169 : Zxelela je da se to propisxe i osecxa kao duzxnost.
n170 : She rated Lady Russell's influence highly; n170 : Neobicyno je cenila uticaj ledi Rasel;
n171 : and as to the severe degree of self-denial which her own conscience prompted, she believed there might be little more difficulty in persuading them to a complete, than to half a reformation. n171 : a sxto se ticye visokog stupnxa samoodricanxa koje je nxena savest nalagala, verovala je da cxe biti samo malo manxe tesxkocxa da se oni ubede u polovicynu nego u potpunu reformu.
n172 : Her knowledge of her father and Elizabeth inclined her to think that the sacrifice of one pair of horses would be hardly less painful than of both, and so on, through the whole list of Lady Russell's too gentle reductions. n172 : Nxeno poznavanxe oca i Elizabet navodila ju je na pomisao da bi zxrtvovanxe jednog para konxa jedva bilo manxe mucyno od zxrtvovanxa oba para, i tome slicyno, kroz ceo spisak suvisxe blagih smanxenxa.
n173 : How Anne's more rigid requisitions might have been taken is of little consequence. n173 : Kako su se mogli primiti Enini strozxi zahtevi od malog je znacyaja.
n174 : Lady Russell's had no success at all: could not be put up with, were not to be borne. n174 : Zahtevi ledi Rasel uopsxte nisu imali uspeha - nisu se mogli podneti - bili su neizdrzxlxivi.
n175 : "What! n175 : "Sxta!
n176 : Every comfort of life knocked off! n176 : svaka zxivotna udobnost tako da se presecye -
n177 : Journeys, London, servants, horses, table, -- contractions and restrictions every where. n177 : putovanxa, London, posluga, konxi, trpeza - svuda stezanxa i ogranicyenxa!
n178 : To live no longer with the decencies even of a private gentleman! n178 : Ne zxiveti visxe cyak ni onako kako prilicyi povucyenom otmenom gospodinu!
n179 : No, he would sooner quit Kellynch Hall at once, than remain in it on such disgraceful terms." n179 : Ne, on bi pre napustio Kelincy Hol nego ostao u nxemu pod tako sramnim uslovima."
n180 : "Quit Kellynch Hall. n180 : "Napustiti Kelincy Hol.
n181 : " The hint was immediately taken up by Mr. Shepherd, whose interest was involved in the reality of Sir Walter's retrenching, and who was perfectly persuaded that nothing would be done without a change of abode. n181 : " Ovu mogucxnost odmah je prihvatio gospodin Sxepard, cyiji se interes uplitao u realnost ser Volterovog kresanxa izdataka, i koji je bio apsolutno uveren da se nisxta necxe uraditi bez promene boravisxta .
n182 : "Since the idea had been started in the very quarter which ought to dictate, he had no scruple," he said, "in confessing his judgment to be entirely on that side. n182 : Posxto je ideja potekla upravo otuda odakle treba da se diktira, on se ne dvoumi, rekao je, da prizna da je nxegovo misxlxenxe potpuno na toj strani.
n183 : It did not appear to him that Sir Walter could materially alter his style of living in a house which had such a character of hospitality and ancient dignity to support. n183 : Ne cyini mu se da bi ser Volter mogao bitno izmeniti svoj stil zxivota u kucxi koja je imala da odrzxava takav glas gostolxubivosti i davnasxnxeg dostojanstva.
n184 : In any other place Sir Walter might judge for himself; n184 : Na svakom drugom mestu ser Volter bi mogao biti svoj gospodar,
n185 : and would be looked up to, as regulating the modes of life in whatever way he might choose to model his household." n185 : i na nxega bi se gledalo s posxtovanxem kao na cyoveka koji uredxuje svoj nacyin zxivota, ma koji put izabrao da organizuje svoje gazdinstvo.
n186 : Sir Walter would quit Kellynch Hall; n186 : Ser Volter je pristao da napusti Kelincy Hol,
n187 : and after a very few days more of doubt and indecision, the great question of whither he should go was settled, and the first outline of this important change made out. n187 : i posle vrlo malo dana sumnxe i neodlucynosti, krupno pitanxe kuda treba da se ide bilo je resxeno, i prva skica ove vazxne promene napravlxena.
n188 : There had been three alternatives, London, Bath, or another house in the country. n188 : Postojale su tri alternative - London, Bat, ili neka druga kucxa na selu.
n189 : All Anne's wishes had been for the latter. n189 : Sve Enine zxelxe stremile su ovom poslednxem.
n190 : A small house in their own neighbourhood, where they might still have Lady Russell's society, still be near Mary, and still have the pleasure of sometimes seeing the lawns and groves of Kellynch, was the object of her ambition. n190 : Kakva mala kucxa u susedstvu, gde bi i dalxe mogli imati drusxtvo ledi Rasel, gde bi i dalxe bili blizu Meri i gde bi i dalxe ponekad uzxivali u prizoru livada i gajeva Kelincya - tome je ona tezxila.
n191 : But the usual fate of Anne attended her, in having something very opposite from her inclination fixed on. n191 : Ali En je pratila nxena uobicyajena sudbina, posxto je odlucyeno nesxto veoma suprotno nxenoj naklonosti.
n192 : She disliked Bath, and did not think it agreed with her; n192 : Nije marila Bat i nalazila je da joj ne prija;
n193 : and Bath was to be her home. n193 : a trebalo je da Bat bude nxen dom.
n194 : Sir Walter had at first thought more of London; n194 : Ser Volter je u prvi mah visxe pomisxlxao na London
n195 : but Mr. Shepherd felt that he could not be trusted in London, and had been skilful enough to dissuade him from it, and make Bath preferred. n195 : ali gospodin Sxepard je osecxao da mu se u Londonu ne bi moglo pokloniti poverenxe, i pokazao se dovolxno vesxt da ga od toga odvrati i privoli za Bat.
n196 : It was a much safer place for a gentleman in his predicament: he might there be important at comparatively little expense. n196 : Bilo je mnogo sigurnije mesto za dyentlmena u nxegovoj neprilici: tamo je mogao biti vazxan i sa relativno malim izdacima.
n197 : Two material advantages of Bath over London had of course been given all their weight: its more convenient distance from Kellynch, only fifty miles, and Lady Russell's spending some part of every winter there; n197 : Razume se, istaknut je sav znacyaj dva bitna preimucxstva Bata nad Londonom - nxegova pogodnija udalxenost od Kelincya (samo pedeset milxa), i okolnost sxto je ledi Rasel svake godine provodila tu deo zime;
n198 : and to the very great satisfaction of Lady Russell, whose first views on the projected change had been for Bath, Sir Walter and Elizabeth were induced to believe that they should lose neither consequence nor enjoyment by settling there. n198 : i na veliko zadovolxstvo ledi Rasel, koja se u svom prvom sudu o nameravanoj promeni izjasnila za Bat, ser Volter i Elizabet su navedeni da poveruju da necxe izgubiti ni od ugleda ni od zadovolxstva nastanxujucxi se tamo.
n199 : Lady Russell felt obliged to oppose her dear Anne's known wishes. n199 : Ledi Rasel se osecxala obaveznom da se suprotstavi poznatim zxelxama svoje drage En.
n200 : It would be too much to expect Sir Walter to descend into a small house in his own neighbourhood. n200 : Bilo bi suvisxe ocyekivati od ser Voltera da se smesti u neku malu kucxu u svom susedstvu.
n201 : Anne herself would have found the mortifications of it more than she foresaw, and to Sir Walter's feelings they must have been dreadful. n201 : I sama En bi nasxla u tome visxe ponizxavanxe nego sto je predvidxala, a za ser Volterova osecxanxa ono bi moralo biti strasxno.
n202 : And with regard to Anne's dislike of Bath, she considered it as a prejudice and mistake arising, first, from the circumstance of her having been three years at school there, after her mother's death; n202 : A sxto se ticye nxenog neraspolozxenxa prema Batu, smatrala je to predrasudom i zabludom, koja je proisticala, prvo, otuda sxto je ona tamo tri godine isxla u sxkolu posle majcyine smrti
n203 : and secondly, from her happening to be not in perfectly good spirits the only winter which she had afterwards spent there with herself. n203 : i drugo, sxto slucyajno nije bila sasvim dobre volxe jedine zime koju je posle toga provela tamo basx sa nxom.
n204 : Lady Russell was fond of Bath, in short, and disposed to think it must suit them all; n204 : Ledi Rasel je, ukratko, volela Bat, i bila sklona misxlxenxu da im on mora svima odgovarati;
n205 : and as to her young friend's health, by passing all the warm months with her at Kellynch Lodge, every danger would be avoided; n205 : a u pogledu zdravlxa nxene mlade prijatelxice, ako sve tople mesece bude provodila sa nxom u Kelincy Lodyu, svaka opasnost bi se otklonila;
n206 : and it was, in fact, a change which must do both health and spirits good. n206 : a, u stvari, ta promena mora ucyiniti dobro i zdravlxu i raspolozxenxu.
n207 : Anne had been too little from home, too little seen. n207 : En se suvisxe malo odvajala od kucxe, suvisxe se malo vidxala.
n208 : Her spirits were not high. n208 : Nxeno raspolozxenxe nije bilo vedro.
n209 : A larger society would improve them. n209 : Vecxe drusxtvo bi ga popravilo.
n210 : She wanted her to be more known. n210 : Zxelela je da svet bolxe upozna En.
n211 : The undesirableness of any other house in the same neighbourhood for Sir Walter was certainly much strengthened by one part, and a very material part of the scheme, which had been happily engrafted on the beginning. n211 : Nepozxelxnost svake druge u istom susedstvu za ser Voltera svakako je bila potkreplxena jednim delom, plan koji je bio srecxno nakalemlxen na pocyetak.
n212 : He was not only to quit his home, but to see it in the hands of others; n212 : Trebalo je ne samo da napusti svoj dom nego i da ga vidi u tudxim rukama -
n213 : a trial of fortitude which stronger heads than Sir Walter's have found too much. n213 : kusxanxe snage koje su i jacye glave od ser Volterove ocenile kao suvisxe tesxko.
n214 : Kellynch Hall was to be let. n214 : Kelincy Hol se morao iznajmiti.
n215 : This, however, was a profound secret, not to be breathed beyond their own circle. n215 : Ovo je, medxutim, bila stroga tajna, o kojoj se nije smelo ni zucnuti izvan nxihovog kruga.
n216 : Sir Walter could not have borne the degradation of being known to design letting his house. n216 : Ser Volter nije mogao da podnese ponizxenxe koje bi osetio kada bi se saznalo da namerava da izda svoju kucxu.
n217 : Mr. Shepherd had once mentioned the word "advertise," but never dared approach it again. n217 : Gospodin Sxepard je jednom pomenuo recy "dati oglas", ali se visxe nikad nije usudio da je ponovo izusti.
n218 : Sir Walter spurned the idea of its being offered in any manner; n218 : Ser Volter je odbacio ideju da se kucxa nudi na ma koji nacyin,
n219 : forbad the slightest hint being dropped of his having such an intention; n219 : zabranio i najmanxi nagovesxtaj da on ima takvu nameru;
n220 : and it was only on the supposition of his being spontaneously solicited by some most unexceptionable applicant, on his own terms, and as a great favor, that he would let it at all. n220 : i, uopsxte, hteo da je iznajmi samo pod predpostavkom da ga neki osobito besprekoran molilac sam od sebe zaokupi ponudama, pod nxegovim uslovima, i to kao da trazxi veliku milost.
n221 : How quick come the reasons for approving what we like! n221 : Kako brzo iskrsavaju razlozi da odobre ono sxto nam godi!
n222 : Lady Russell had another excellent one at hand, for being extremely glad that Sir Walter and his family were to remove from the country. n222 : Ledi Rasel je imala josx jedan poseban razlog pri ruci da bude neobicyno zadovolxna sxto se ser Volter i nxegova porodica sele iz tog kraja.
n223 : Elizabeth had been lately forming an intimacy, which she wished to see interrupted. n223 : Elizabet je u poslednxe vreme pocyela da sklapa jedno prisno prijatelxstvo, a ledi Rasel je zxelela da se ono prekine.
n224 : It was with a daughter of Mr. Shepherd, who had returned, after an unprosperous marriage, to her father's house, with the additional burden of two children. n224 : Radilo se o kcxeri gospodina Sxeparda, koja se posle neuspelog braka vratila u ocyevu kucxu sa dodatnim teretom od dvoje dece.
n225 : She was a clever young woman, who understood the art of pleasing -- the art of pleasing, at least, at Kellynch Hall; n225 : Ona je bila bistra mlada zxena koja je poznavala vesxtinu dopadanxa - u najmanxu ruku, vesxtinu dopadanxa u Kelincy Holu -
n226 : and who had made herself so acceptable to Miss Elliot, as to have been already staying there more than once, in spite of all that Lady Russell, who thought it a friendship quite out of place, could hint of caution and reserve. n226 : i koja je vecx tamo boravila visxe puta, uprkos tome sxto je ledi Rasel, koja je smatrala da to prijatelxstvo nikako nije na mestu, upozoravala na opreznost i uzdrzxanost.
n227 : Lady Russell, indeed, had scarcely any influence with Elizabeth, and seemed to love her rather because she would love her, than because Elizabeth deserved it. n227 : Ledi Rasel, zaista, jedva je imala nekoliko uticaja na Elizabet, i kao da ju je volela pre zato sxto je htela da je voli nego sxto je to Elizabet zasluzxivala.
n228 : She had never received from her more than outward attention, nothing beyond the observances of complaisance; n228 : Nikad nije dobijala od nxe visxe od spolxne pazxnxe, nisxta izvan uobicyajenih lxubaznosti -
n229 : had never succeeded in any point which she wanted to carry, against previous inclination. n229 : nikad nije uspevala da kod nxe sprovede bilo sxta od onog sxto je zxelela, ako bi se to kosilo sa onim cyemu je devojka vecx odranije bila naklonxena.
n230 : She had been repeatedly very earnest in trying to get Anne included in the visit to London, sensibly open to all the injustice and all the discredit of the selfish arrangements which shut her out, and on many lesser occasions had endeavoured to give Elizabeth the advantage of her own better judgment and experience; n230 : U visxe navrata se veoma ozbilxno zauzimala da se i En uklxucyi u posetu Londonu, osecxajucxi svu nepravdu i sramotu sebicynih priprema koje su je mimoilazile, a u mnogim manxe znacyajnim prilikama nastojala je da pruzxi mogucxnost Elizabet da se koristi nxenim zrelijim rasudxivanxem i iskustvom,
n231 : but always in vain: n231 : ali uvek uzalud.
n232 : Elizabeth would go her own way; n232 : Elizabet bi isxla svojim putem;
n233 : and never had she pursued it in more decided opposition to Lady Russell than in this selection of Mrs. Clay: turning from the society of so deserving a sister, to bestow her affection and confidence on one who ought to have been nothing to her but the object of distant civility. n233 : i nikad se na nxemu nije odlucynije odupirala ledi Rasel nego basx pri izboru gospodxe Klej - zapostavlxajucxi drusxtvo tako valxane sestre da bi podarila svoju privrzxenost i poverenxe onoj s kojom je trebalo da opsxti samo na ucytivom odstojanxu.
n234 : From situation, Mrs. Clay was, in Lady Russell's estimate, a very unequal, and in her character she believed a very dangerous companion; n234 : Po polozxaju je gospodxa Klej, prema oceni ledi Rasel, bila nedorasla a po karakteru, verovala je, vrlo opasna drugarica;
n235 : and a removal that would leave Mrs. Clay behind, and bring a choice of more suitable intimates within Miss Elliot's reach, was therefore an object of first-rate importance. n235 : i otuda je preselxenxe, koje bi mimoisxlo gospodxu Klej i omogucxilo gospodxici Eliot izbor dolicynijih prijatelxa, bilo stvar od prvorazrednog znacyaja