ASTEROIDS: Origin, evolution and characterization ************************************************** SUBMISSION DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TILL FEBRUARY 15th Call for Papers: ICARUS Special Issue on Asteroids A brief introduction: Asteroids are small, usually rocky, bodies that primarily populate a region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter known as the asteroid belt. However, they can also be found throughout the solar system. As leftovers from the formation of the solar system, these bodies carry the signature of the birth of our planetary system. Their properties allow testing of current theories and open doors to the development of new theories pertaining to different evolutionary processes in the solar system. There have been major advances in asteroid science in the last decade, and as that trend continues, we think it is an appropriate time to incorporate manuscripts reporting the results of new research from the field into a single special journal issue. Expecting that this will increase the impact and visibility of these papers, we have made arrangements with the journal Icarus for the publication of a special issue on asteroids. The special issue is associated with the mini-symposium on asteroids organized during the Stardust Final Conference on Asteroids and Space Debris, but participation in the conference is not a requirement for submitting a manuscript for consideration in this special issue. Topics of interest include, but are NOT limited to: Near-Earth Asteroids and Impact Hazards Surveys and Exploration Asteroid Population Models Asteroid Origins and Characterization Asteroid Compositions Asteroid Spins, Sizes, and Shapes Asteroid Interiors Asteroid Families Active Asteroids Collisions and Cratering Orbit Determination and Propagation Dynamical Evolution Submission Format: The submitted papers must be written in English and describe original research which is not published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found at For more information, please contact the editorial office at Pre-submission questions regarding topics of interest can also be directed to Guest Editors: Bojan Novakovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia Henry Hsieh, Planetary Science Institute, USA; Academia Sinica, Taiwan Giovanni F. Gronchi, Universita di Pisa, Italy Important Dates: Deadline for paper submission: February 15th 2017 Submission Guidelines: Manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through the EVISE e-learning platform. The authors must select "Asteroids: Origin, Evolution & Characterization" when they reach the "Select Issue Type" step in the submission process. The EVISE website is located at Please feel free to suggest possible reviewers for your paper. Submitted manuscripts will go through the standard review process, and there is no guarantee that a given paper will be accepted for publication. ICARUS has no page charges, but does charge for color art. We strongly encourage the redistribution of this announcement to any colleagues who you believe might have an interest in submitting a manuscript to the special issue.