>> About the journal

Serbian Astronomical Journal is the successor of the Bulletin Astronomique de Belgrade (1992–1998) founded by merging of the Bulletin de l'Observatoire Astronomique de Belgrade (1936–1991) and Publications of the Department of Astronomy (1969–1990). Under the present title it has been published since 1998.

Serbian Astronomical Journal publishes original observations and researches in all branches of astronomy. The journal publishes:

  • Invited Reviews - review article on some up-to-date topic in astronomy, astrophysics and related fields (written upon invitation only),
  • Original Scientific Papers - article in which are presented previously unpublished author's own scientific results,
  • Preliminary Reports - original scientific paper, but shorter in length and of preliminary nature,
  • Professional Papers - articles offering experience useful for the improvement of professional practice i.e. article describing methods and techniques, software, presenting observational data, etc.
In some cases the journal may publish other contributions, such as In Memoriam notes, Obituaries, Book Reviews, as well as Editorials, Addenda, Errata, Corrigenda, Retraction notes, etc.
Serbian Astronomical Journal is published biannually, in June and December. Submissions are accepted on a continuous basis throughout the year. Contributions to the journal are published in English, with summaries in Serbian. For more details see editorial policy.


>> Editorial board

  • Dr Luka Č. POPOVIĆ (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade)
  • Dr Ana LALOVIĆ (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade)
  • Dr Milena JOVANOVIĆ (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade)
  • Dr Bojan ARBUTINA (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade)
  • Dr Milan M. ĆIRKOVIĆ (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade)
  • Dr Goran DAMLJANOVIĆ (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade)
  • Dr Marianne FAUROBERT (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice, France)
  • Dr Miroslav FILIPOVIĆ (Western Sydney University, Australia)
  • Dr Petr HEINZEL (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
  • Dr Dragana ILIĆ (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade)
  • Dr Zoran KNEŽEVIĆ (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
  • Dr Bojan NOVAKOVIĆ (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade)
  • Dr Jelena PETROVIĆ (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade)
  • Dr Samir SALIM (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
  • Dr Evgeni SEMKOV (Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria)
  • Dr Marko STALEVSKI (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade)
  • Dr Kleomenis TSIGANIS (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
  • Dr Dejan UROŠEVIĆ (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade)
  • Dr Jan VONDRAK (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
  • Dr Alexander F. ZAKHAROV (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia)

>>  Instructions to authors

Please, send manuscripts to:

Editorial Office
Serbian Astronomical Journal
Volgina 7,
11060 Belgrade,

or by e-mail to address:


By submitting a manuscript authors warrant that their contribution to the Journal is their original work, that it has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out.
Authors must follow the instructions for authors strictly. By failing to meet the publishing requirements and quality standards, the authors risk that their manuscripts would be rejected without review. For more details see the author guidance. The more specific instructions are available upon request. It is also possible to download a complete example of a paper written in the present journal style HERE.
The manuscript should be prepared in LaTeX and follow the style used in recent issues of the journal. LaTeX file, PDF generated from the LaTeX source and figures that appear in PDF, should all be included in submission as separate files. Use short journal abbreviations when preparing references.
Each manuscript that meets the standards is peer-reviewed. The review is single-blind. By default, one reviewer is engaged in the process. The reviewer will in most cases ask for revision of the manuscript before he/she recommends it for publication. If revised manuscript has not been received within three months it will be considered withdrawn. Authors may request extension of the three-month deadline, which is subject to the Editors’ approval.
As soon as the refereeing process for a submission is completed, the manuscript accepted for publication, and editing and proofreading finished, the article will receive its unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) designation and be published as Online-First and available through SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS). When the whole volume is complete, volume and page numbers will be assigned to the article.
Before the article can be published, the authors are required to sign the license agreement.


>> Keywords

Authors are required to use keywords from the list wich is common to the major astronomical and astrophysical journals. You can download the list in pdf format or check html page.


>> Subscription

Subscription rate for printed edition per year is $50. For Serbia: individuals RSD 1500, institutions RSD 3000. Subscription should be sent: in dinars to the Astronomical Observatory bank account No. 205-67803-88 (for Serbian Astronomical Journal), for foreign currency contact the Editorial office. Back-number price is $25 for single copy.

>> Open access policy

Serbian Astronomical Journal is an Open Access Journal. All articles can be downloaded free of charge and are distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence.
Creative Commons License
There is no publication i.e. Article Processing Charge (APC). The journal does not charge any fees at submission, reviewing and production stages.
The authors are free to upload their preprints or postprints to open repositories such as arXiv.

>> Other details

Frequency: semmi-annual (June and December issue)
Abbreviation: Serb. Astron. J. (ADS abbr. SerAJ)
ISSN 1450-698X (Print)
ISSN 1820-9289 (Online)
Serbian Astronomical Journal is indexed or abstracted in Astrophysics Data System (ADS), Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science and Journal Citation Report, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, Referativni Zhurnal, EBSCO, SRJ SCImago, DOAJ, Serbian Citation Index (SCIndeks), DOISerbia.

Published and copyright © by
Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, Volgina 7, 11160 Belgrade, Serbia, and
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Publishing of the Serbian Astronomical Journal is financially supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovations of the Republic of Serbia.

Impact factor

JCR SCIE position 67/84 in A&A list
From No. 182 SerAJ is indexed in the Clarivate Analytics'

From No. 174 it is indexed in the Elsevier's bibliographic service
and from No. 157 it is available through the Astrophysics Data System.
See also: